Doing all right so far…
While I’m a little steamed things didn’t work out with the new call center, I’m moving on and not letting it bother me. I’ve got back to the books, working on the new one that just passed the 100 page mark. I’m seriously excited about this one, and I’ve got two novels that need to be reworked and then I am going to start sending query letters to potential agents. I’m excited about the new books, and I’m going to use my new down time to get closer to getting them to print. I am confident in my work and beleive it’s capable of making your local book store.
Last night I met with some people who are considering casting me for a independent film they are considering working on. I read the script this week, and I have to say I was very impressed with it. While there were some parts that had me going ‘WTF?’, there were others that were very impressive and the ending was money, as it provided ample closure and has the kind of finish that would satisfy most movie goers. I wasn’t shy about my intentions when I met with them, I want the lead role who I think I’m the perfect fit for it. After watching my demo video, they agree that I am a good candidate and I’m hoping for the best. I actually am talking to a few other productions about possible casting in Toronto, but this local film in Hamilton will get first crack. Not only because I like the script, but because it’s a local indy project and I like the idea of making another movie here in the Hammer.
I’m also doing the stand up thing as well. I might have a show this coming Tuesday, and while I want to keep trying I’ve seriously considering putting this one on the backburner should the two above require more of my time. As much as I wish I had time to give all three of these things my undivided attention, if it comes to a point where I need to set priorities, the writing and the acting would be the two that win out. I am seriously considering taking a hiatus from comedy for a few months until spring when the summer shows start up.
Despite all that stuff going on, I’m still looking for work and applying for many full time positions I managed to find online. I’ll keep working on my stuff but if I get a chance to work, I would appreciate a chance to make a few extra bucks that will make life a little easier until something else kicks in.
So despite having a lot of time on my hands, I am putting it to good use and doing things that are more constructive rather than just fart around and play video games all day, which is what I’ve seen other people do with their time between jobs. Not for me, I’m working and working until something clicks for me. Not sure which one will make it first but I’ll be happy to keep everyone in the loop until that happens.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend, and I might be back tomorrow with another entry and possibly a super bowl prediction. Until then, take care!
Follow your bliss…
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(random noter) Best of luck with the movie part 🙂
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Stand up seems really hard. It’s one of the only jobs where people are trained to be rude and heckle you if you aren’t absurdly amusing. I’m fairly amusing, but in more of a reactionary or evil way. I’m not sure how well I would do trying to put together 5-60 minutes of pseudo scripted material.
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Cool, sounds like you have a lot on the burner!
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