Current Survey (Dec 2008)

I wanted to write this survey once a month, but decided that once every three or four months would be more appropreiate cause it would give me time to change some answers and prevent the same survey from being posted over and over again. It was originally stolen from one of my favs and here is the current update.

So here goes… enjoy!


1. Current Book:

– Letter To A Christian Nation (Sam Harris)

– Moby Dick (Herman Melville)

– This Can’t Be Happening At McDonald Hall! (Gordon Korman)

2. Current Music:

– Greatest Hits (Jim Brickman)

– Awake (Josh Groban)

– Back In The US (Paul McCartney)

– One Night Only (The Bee Gees)

3. Current Movie:

I watched this last weekend with Leah and loved it, I am going to buy a copy for her for Xmas:

Current TV Show:

If someone asked me right now to just spit out off the top of my head what is the best show on TV right now, chances are the answer would be consistantly the same it has been for the last two years: Dexter.

But now that Season 3 of Dexter is over, and there are no other episodes until next September… I’ll have to focus on other shows. One I am looking forward to see return early next year is HBO’s In Treatment. It stars Gabriel Byrne as a psychiatrist who saw a different patient every day of the week, and the show ran that way, five days a week (same patient on the same day of every week) for nine weeks… a total of 45 episodes for season one!

This is why cable networks are raking in the nominations every time awards are announced. These shows are all that and then some… yet these are concepts the big four wouldn’t have the minerals to take a chance on, ever. That’s why everyone knows the real quality shows are found on cable…

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure:

– String cheese

– Egg Nog

– Old Steven Segal movies

Current Link:

– I wanted to take part in something that would help me work and exercise with writing. A bud sent this link to me and I’ve been in writing narvana every since. The site is home to a Bi-weekly Batman Fan Fiction Contest that is never ending. Every two weeks you have to write a short story about Batman, or in the realm of Batman’s world (stories can be about any character in his world) and themes are selected for each competition. For example, the current theme is ‘Christmas’ and everyone is writing Christmas stories about Batman. How cool is that??

I posted my Christmas story half a week ago, and it was my fifth submission to this site… and I’m showing no signs of slowing down. The site has two types of contests, 100-500 word snipets (those are hard) and one shot stories (500 – unlimited). These alternate every competition. It’s been a lot of fun, so if you want to read my Batman short stories, click on the link above and look for the entires posted by … of course… Peter_24601.

Current Picture:

Here’s a cute picture we had taken in studio of my boys. They got that wicked smile from their Mom:

Current Fetish:

Collecting too many shows on the DVR and not watching them. That thing is hovering close to 90% these days. Need to clear some space and catch up on a few shows…

Current Drink:

Right now I’ve been a tea or iced tea kind of person lately. I’ve stayed away from the carbonated drinks for now that has helped my angry tummy…

Current Favorite Favorite:

Reading the following diaries has been a real pleasure lately. When these names are highlighted, they are the first I run to:

– Sir_Bissel

– Atheist Under Ur Bed

– allmah

– pherific

Current Wish-List:

– A winning lottery ticket

– A Literary Agent

– A Publisher

– A role in a TV show

– Did I mention a lottery ticket, one with some good numbers?

Current Favorite Song:

This song rocks, from one of the new albums I got. The song is titled ‘You Are Loved’ and is performed by Josh Groban:

Current Needs:

– Emotional support

– Strongbow

– High Speed Internet

– Open Diary

– An Agent

– Sushi

Current Triumph:

– It looks like the indy film I’ve been working on for the last several months is going to be accepted by the Vancouver Film Festival. If this happens (knock on wood) it could mean some huge exposure not only for this film but for yours truly. 🙂

Current Bane of My Existence:

To support and help my family in anyway I can, make ends meet and be the best person I can be.

Current (Celebrity) Crush:

Right now my current celebrity crush is an actress named Cote de Pablo. You can see her perform every tuesday on CBS’s hit show called N.C.I.S in the role of Agent Ziva David. I think it’s the accent that really gets to me, along with the obvious good looks. Man, what I would do to get a walk on role with that show… 😉

Current Indulgence:

Right now my current indulgence is Sushi. After the whole pepperoni incident, I’ve been very careful about what I eat so I’ve been treating myself to a lot of rice rolls lately cause my stomach seems to approve of that the most lately. My favorite is Spicy Tuna…

Current Slang:

Right now I’m using British Slang to prevent my kids from accidently picking up and four letter American curse words. Slang like Bugger, Bullocks and Wanker have been uttered by me whenever I got upset… yet the kids haven’t picked up and I don’t want them to, but using different slang will prevent shit, fuck and asshole from making it into their vocabulary.

Current Outfit:

Right now I’ve ditched the jeans and started to go with kakis and dockers… right now they’ve been more snug and they’re lasting longer than the other pants I used to wear. Right now I can’t afford to replace things that often so that’s a good thing…

Current Excitement(s):

The chance of my mug being on the big screen at the Vancouver Film Festival is enough to excite me to these days, but I also have some big auditions I’m trying to apply for. Hopefully some of them will call back…

Current Mood:

I’m all right. The word I would use is relaxed. I have some issues to take care of but the big things have been taken care of. A few big scares are gone now… and it’s time to work on other things. Time to get the big projects off the ground and get going.

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December 17, 2008

I am flattered… hopefully I’ll get to this tomorrow.

December 19, 2008

Thanks a bunch! I’m now hooked on Dexter. I know you recommended the book to me. I haven’t read it yet, and I’d never checked out the TV show, but after I read this survey, I was checking out some TV shows on OnDemand and came across Dexter and started watching season 3. It’s so good!

December 19, 2008

RYN: I hope so too!

December 20, 2008

RYN: Thanks. Yeah, I think my OD buds are great — at least from afar ;)! I love In Treatment and am looking forward to it coming back on. Dexter is great too and I’m looking forward to next season. Your boys are cute.