Blogathon # 48: In the home stretch…

Time: 10:00am Island Time (8:30am EST)

One fun thing about doing the Blogathon is to greet everyone when they’re waking up and they discover that you’ve been up the entire night. That’s a fun conversation to have with someone, and then you have people leaving notes on the diary when they first wake up… those are fun to read as well.

I want to use this entry to congradulate my fellow Open Diary Bloggers who withstood the entire time and posted all forty-eight entries. It’s not a easy task, so you all deserve a massive pat on the back for it. Like I said before, you can consider every penny of your pledges well earned as no one doubt that with all the writing we have been doing today. I wish you all a nice peaceful slumber/hybernation when you crash in less than a half hour. You all earned this rest and I hope it’s a nice, sound, peaceful one.

My plan it so rest until supper time, and then do a little laundry. Then after watching tonight’s new episode of Big Brother 7, I plan to crash again and not wake up until tomorrow morning. That’s the plan, whether or not it goes that way is another matter altogether. I’ll do my best to stick to the plan, but one this is for absolutely sure… I’m not going to touch this diary until tomorrow or the day after. I think I’ve done enough for this week, possibly the month.

Hope everyone is surviving and ready to write their final entry!


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July 30, 2006

This is my second note after waking up… well, I have been awake much of the night due to my wonky back so I’m not *really* just waking up, but I’ve just gotten my arse outta bed LOLAlmost there…….

July 30, 2006

Congratulations on making all the way through, yourself! This is a truly admirable effort! *Sweet dreams…*