Blogathon # 42: Here we go again…

Time Posted: 5:35am EST

I said I wanted to wait until 5am to do this, and here we go:

The other Jolt is open, but like the first I am drinking one small glass at a time rather than the whole can at once. This is the home stretch, we are less than five hours away from the finish of this things.

The good new is that the weather was clear all night so far. They were calling for more thundershowers but that’s been held off until late morning… so it will hit when I’m trying to get some sleep. By then I won’t care and will sleep through a Hurricane.

Actually speaking of nasty storms, the worst I ever witnessed was a class 3 typhoon. It hit land in a coastal city I was living in and did a lot of damage. If the building I lived in hadn’t been a sturdy as it was I might have been asked to evacuate the city, but I didn’t and was fine.

Speaking about fine, check out this couch potatoe:

Little guy is vegging and watching his Mamma Mia. He’s been good for his Dad so you can’t ask for more. I hope you’re not expecting more from me either because I’m done here. See ya in 30 minutes!



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July 26, 2009

3.5 more hours! *dances*

He’s been food for his dad?? That’s a little bit worrying! Hehehe. Typos are my thing at the moment, so I can spot them a mile off :o)

July 26, 2009

The home stretch – we’re almost there!

aww how nice to have a bit of company

July 26, 2009

That was not a good typo… I don’t his mother would appreciate it.

July 26, 2009

My youngest is sleeping and my middle one is laying here watching Vantage Point,lmao.

July 26, 2009

Please tell me what blogathon is!? I’m so confused!!