Blogathon # 33: Moving along…
Time Posted: 1:02am EST
Still standing at $248. Who is going to help me break past $250?
Right now I don’t feel tired, but I am making a lot of mistakes when writing these entries up. That can’t be a good sign. Over the next several hours there are bound to be numerous spelling errors and typos. That just goes with the event. You can try to correct me, but odds are I’ll be too busy working on the next entry to give a rat’s ass…
I apologize for not getting around and leaving a lot of notes. I’m having trouble just getting through the entries, let alone getting around to leave notes. I’m trying though and will make a better effort the deeper into the night we go. I can’t believe it’s 1am already. It’s already been four hours since we passed that half way point. That means we’re only two hours away from the final quarter of this marathon.
So how is everyone else doing? We fighting the sleep or doing all right at the moment. Just checking with everyone. I just wish I had slept better last night, but I didn’t manage to do too well. I tossed and turned and Ethan was up very early… like 5am early and that didn’t help.
I’m not yawning as much as I thought I would be at this point but I am sure it will get worse as the night progresses. But I still have half a can of jolt and another full can in the fridge to keep me awake as long a necessary.
I hope everyone is doing all right. Thanks to all that have left questions that helped out and if you have any more toss them over. I could use as much help as I can get!
I tossed and turned all night, too.
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I’m actually doing pretty well – I guess having a newborn helps get you used to sleep deprivation. I just took a shower as well, which was a big help.
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I honestly can’t work out if I’m exhausted or doing alright. I feel drugged 🙂 I don’t usually do caffeine!
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