Addicted to Big Brother…

Last season was all right, but I didn’t enjoy it that much. Seeing the same players come back for an all-star year was enjoyable but not as much as meeting new players and seeing them experience the locked away feeling for the first time. That feeling came back this year with a new slate of players. Leah and I have been glued to our television and computer screen for the last two months. I really like this crew, and they’ve been fun to watch cause they’ve been fighting and picking on each other quite a bit. Just to let everyone know where I stand, let’s go over those who are left:

Amber: Amber acts like she belongs in a bad soap opera. No matter what happens (good or bad) she ends up crying. Eventually that is going to get on everyone’s nerves and be her undoing. No one likes a whiner…

Danielle: Cute, but a little scare in an eating disorder kind of way. Sometimes I wish she would just eat something in front of the camera to prove to us she doesn’t have an eating disorder.

Zach: Zach picked the wrong side to plan on. His days are likely numbers. If it wasn’t for Jen and Kail, he’d be gone soon.

Kail: I liked her at first, but each week she has proven to be a lowly rat. Selling out her friends, and tossing them under the bus to save her own hide. Hope she goes soon…

Jen: Every show has a pshcho, and Jen is it this year. She’s nice to look at but is a complete fool. She seems like she has a good head on her and we know she’s playing dumb, but she’s made bad strategic moves, and then lies and takes advantage of people to save her own hide. She is by far the most unpopular person on the show and they’ve tried to kick her out (Unsuccessfully) the last two weeks in a row. Hopefully third time will be a charm.

Eric: Eric is this season’s biggest twist, he’s ‘America’s player’. Every move he does, player he petitions to get nominated or vote he makes to evict is voted on by the viewers. I like this twist and Eric has been a good sport with all the stuff we’ve tossed his way. With all the info he’s been getting, Eric has used it to his advantage too… so it’s been working for everyone.

Dustin: Every season has one gay person, and Dustin is this year’s. His ex-bf Joe was in the house too but got an early kick off cause he was too bitter about their break and made the house uneasy. Since Joe’s departure, Dustin has turned out to be one of the better people in the house, and really shaken up some house guest’s opinions on homosexuals as they came in from really biast upbringings.

Jessica: Jessica has been really under the radar, which is amazing given her usually outgoing personality. With other housemates being a lot louder, it’s made it easier for players like her to sit back and go unnoticed. She’s played a good game so far…

Jameka: Jameka is really starting to get on my nerves. She applied to play for Big Brother because she wanted the money, but since getting there she has done anything but what would be in her interests to get it. She tries to say the reason for this is her faith, I say it’s ignorance and stupidity. She had a chance to prevent seal Jen’s fate and leave her on the chopping block which would have won her a lot of friends, but chose to take her off. Bad move Jameka, and that might come back to bite ya in the ass!

Dick: Dick is one of the twists in the game, because he’s Danielle’s father. They hadn’t talked in two years before coming into the house. Talk about ackward, eh? Since their reunion, they’ve used their history to further themselves in the game, and it’s worked so far. Dick has been by far one of the most vocal houseguests in the games history. He makes Hurricane Howie from Season 6 look like a tropical depression with some of the tirants he’s been on. Dick has made this season a classic to watch, and to top it off he looks like a middle aged Tommy Lee. Some of the women in the house (Jemeka and Kail) have called him the devil cause he doesn’t believe or follow any religion. Interesting, but he’s been the highlight of the game so far.

Here’s a good example of Dick’s tirades: this video is of Dick going off on one of his favorite targets… the girl everyone hates with a passion: Jen.

If you can’t hear him well, this is what was exchanged:

Dick: “You’ve been riding too long, you need to go.. should have been out week one, but you started kissing Kail’s ass and sleeping in her bed, or she would have put you up, week two you got lucky with nine gallons in the tea cup or you would have gone and you know it, week three you should have went but we decided Mike instead, week four this thing with Jameka, week five is the week you go home…”

Jen: “Yep, king of the castle.”

Dick: “Queen of the cunt, you better play your ass off baby because my arms will fall off before I give up, trust me on this… I’ll do everything I can get to get you out next week, I don’t want you in the jury, you don’t deserve to be in the jury, you don’t even deserve to be in this house, I want you gone, and I will do every single thing I can to see you gone, you go home and see you have no job, no life, no nothing, you think you are coming off so sweet and innocent I know better than that and so does everyone else in this house.”

Jen: “OK”

Dick: “And so does everyone watching the show.”

Jen: “Yep.”

Dick: “You just stand here instead of getting on your hands and knees and helping her.” (Jameka)

Jen: “What are you doing? You’re golfing.”

Dick: “I’ve asked, and I vacuumed and I do five loads of laundry every fucking day, and I do dishes.”

(Note: Dick’s right… he’s done a shit load of dishes since getting in the house)

Jen: “You said you do that out of boredom.”

Dick: ” I don’t give a fuck if I do, it’s getting done, I don’t cause more of a mess then I take care of, you’re in a dream world. What planet do you live on? Seriously? Planet of self absorption…

<brWow, just a small sample of the stuff that’s been tossed around. From what I have seen, last night’s HOH (Head of Household) competition was even worse. Dick was eliminated early and spent the better part of 2 hours telling everyone who was left that he didn’t like off ten times worse than the clip above. Also, if you don’t have the 24/7 feed and want to know who won HOH last night, leave a note and I’ll leave one back with the result. No spoilers on this page!

Leah isn’t as impressed with Dick, and hates the fact the cute guy she likes is already gone (Mike)… but also hates Jen with a passion. It’s been an enjoyable season and a guilty pleasure… but Leah and I have enjoyed each episode and can’t wait to see more! Compared to the other crap that’s on right now (American Inventor???) this stuff is like emmy material.

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I think Dick’s hilarious. At least he doesn’t bawl all the time like Amber. Holy crap. You’d think she’d’ve dried up by now. So who won HOH?

August 3, 2007

It’s the look on Amber’s face when she’s crying that annoys me most. I’m a first time watcher of Big Brother, so the dynamic is fascinating to me! Who won HOH?

August 3, 2007

Dustin keeps saying he’s taking his girlfriend on the trip he won/bought. I’m confused…

August 3, 2007

ryn: Gasp! I can’t wait until Sunday! Thanks for the info 🙂

I never got into it, but, I have a fave whom adores it, and she doesn’t hang out too much on OD during the “season” of B.B. :*))

August 3, 2007

Tell me who won please 🙂

August 5, 2007

Sadly, I actually know who these people are… CBS was left on my television one evening, and I was too lazy to get up and find the remote, so I watched it. Damn stuff is like crack.