A Survey for the Readers…

This survey has been yoinked from a few favs. The key is for the readers to answer these question in their notes. The following are questions about yours truly and what you think/know about moi.

What I do like about this survey is that it does give you (my readers) a chance to say what you like most and want to see more of in my diary. All answers will be considered and might improve what I write here.

Good luck and I look forward to your answers!


1. Are you a regular reader, an occasional reader or a first-time reader?

2. Am I on your “favorites” list?

3. Do you note me regularly, and vice versa?

4. Name three facts about me.

5. What do you enjoy reading about MOST in my diary?

6. What do you wish I’d write MORE about?

7. Without looking, what’s one thing on my front page?

8. About how old do you think I am, based on my entries?

9. Describe me in three words.

10. If you could give me one piece of advice, what would that be?

Log in to write a note
October 7, 2009

Uh, your age is on your profile 😉

October 8, 2009

ryn: People say that about Cairo all the time, he looks “evil” or “angry” or “sour” or whatever, but he’s the exact opposite of that. I love how people just can’t see past some physical attributes into someone’s soul. when I see that photo, I see him half-smiling at me. Maybe I’m deluded LOL but he *was* purring at the time and snuggling with me. Cheers.

October 13, 2009

1.regular 2.yes. 3.sometimes. 4.you live in hammertown, you have two beautiful boys, you work at a call center 5.just about your life 5.anything you want to 7.hmm, no clue, sorry. 8. 33 according to the side bar, lol. 9. interesting, dedicated, actor 10. don’t give up!