101 Things to do… 1001 Days to do them.
I stolte this idea from one of my favs, but for good reason. For some reason, I work better with a deadline and focus more when there is a time restriction. So with that in mind, I decided to takeon this massive goal setting juggarnaut. I can’t promise I’m going to accomplish everything, but I will give it my best effort. So here goes, take a gander at this list and I will update this entry and even repost with updates whenever they should happen.
So here’s my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days!
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Some common goal setting tips:
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
2. Stay Focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.
4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.
Start Date: Thursday, October 1st, 2009
End Date: Thursday, June 28th, 2012
001. Finish the three novels I’m currently writing (0/3)
002. Write one poem a month (0/34)
003. Write a short children’s story for Ethan
004. Write a romantic story that makes someone cry
005. Complete three NaNoWriMos (0/3)
006. Complete two script frenzys: One adapted script (0/1) and one original script. (0/1)
007. Raise 1001 dollars for charity writing the the next three Blogathons (0/1001)
008. Publish one book (0/1)
009. Loose 101 pounds (0/101)
010. Get a new gym pass
011. Make a few pieces of clothing that don`t fit… wearable again.
012. Get an exercise machine for the back room
013. Finish pro level in all the Wii fit games (0/20)
014. Do something special for my 35th birthday (Oct 28th, 2010)
015. Get a new suit.
016. Learn how to play a song on the piano.
017. Do Kareoke once a year (0/3)
018. Complete a walk for charity.
Places to Go:
019. Travel to visit a relative I haven`t seen in 10 years.
020. Take Leah on a cruise or some tropical island for vacation.
021. Hit a Casino and not lose everything
022. Have a picnic at Queenston Heights
023. Take Leah to Canada`s Wonderland
024. Visit a historic site.
025. Visit an Art Gallery
026. Visit a Museum
027. Visit a friend currently living in the US.
028. Go back to the Island (Newfoundland), visit some friends.
029. Take Leah to the Hockey Hall Of Fame
030. Take the kids to Disney World.
Playtime and Entertainment:
031. Reach level 85 with my Paladin in World Of Warcraft.
032. Play Stargate Worlds
034. Get 100% playing expert on Guitar Hero.
035. Get 100% playing drums on Guitar Hero (on Medium).
036. Play drums and sing vocals on Guitar Hero at the same time while performing ‘Hotel California’.
037. Take Leah to see a once in a lifetime concert (1/1)
038. Watch all four season of Burn Notice (0/4)
039. Take Leah to see her first broadway play.
040. Attend ten concerts (0/10)
041. Attend one sports event in every major league (NHL, NFL, MLB, NBA, MLS, CFL) at least once. (0/6)
042. See a baseball game at Fenway Park or Wrigley Field.
043. Meet five people on my OD favs list (0/5)
044. Reach out to friends I haven`t talked to in a while.
045. Take my little brother out for a sports event.
046. Do something special for my neice`s 5th birthday.
047. Host an Academy Awards party
048. Do something special for my parent’s 40th Wedding Anniversary (May 21st, 2011)
049. Make one surprise candlelit dinner per year (0/3)
050. Take my older brother to a Sci-fi Convention
051. Take a non-immediate family member out for dinner
052. Do something nice for a complete stranger
053. Host a ‘V for Vendetta’ party on the 5th of November.
054. Teach Ethan how to ride a bike.
055. Take Ethan to one movie (in cineplex) a month (0/34)
056. Take Jonathan to his first in cineplex movie
057. Take Ethan to two concerts.
058. Go camping with the kids
059. Give the kids five picnics (0/5)
060. Take Jonathan to his first concert.
061. Make Jonathan a gluten free birthday cake.
062. Teach Ethan how to play chess
063. Read one book a month (0/34) and of those:
064. The rest of the Dexter series (0/3)
065. Lisa’s first book ‘Eyes Like Stars’
066. Three books that are at least 100 years old (0/3)
067. Five that are in my collection that I never got around to (0/5)
068. One book recommended from someone else
The Root of All Evil:
069. Earn a promotion at work
070. See a dentist
071. Visit my member of parliment and have a long talk
072. Attend a protest and make a sign for it
073. Write a legitmate letter of complaint to seven major corporations (0/7)
074. Eat in for 1 full week each month (0/34)
075. Renew my vows
076. Go one full week without any unnecessary spending
077. Find an agent
All Things Nommable
078. Eat at 10 new restaurants (0/10)
079. Try a new type of Sushi
080. Eat and 3 lbs. Cheeseburger
081. Bake 25 times (0/25)
082. Try 25 new foods (0/25)
083. Host one pot luck dinner
084. Eat at my co-worker`s family resturant
085. Try 5 new drinks/cocktails (0/5)
086. Invite three couples to our house for dinner (0/3)
087. Share a banana split with someone
088. Eat the entire Volcano menu at Taco Bell (0/3)
089. Take Leah out for a special dinner at ‘North 44’ in Toronto.
Cleaning and Organization:
090. Clear that overcluttered backroom once a year (0/3)
091. Decorate the kids rooms a little more
092. paint the kitchen
093. mend the walls after years of kid abuse
094. Get a lawn mower, so grass doesn’t get out of control
095. toss out the clothes I don`t wear anymore
096. organize the kids rooms and my own
097. Move all relevant files to the new computer
098. Get a High Def. Television
099. Get a new air conditioner
100. Organize my books out of the boxes and onto a shelf
101. Get rid of 101 things that I donÂ’t need (0/101)
So there it is… my goal list. While some will be challenging, I think there are a lot of them up there that I can complete easily. I will do my best to at least finish 50% but will do my best and at least make an effort to complete them all.
Wish me luck!
This is a great list. I need to come up with something similar.
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Fantastic list! We’ll cheer each other on. We should set up a video link between our respective V for Vendetta parties! ^_^
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great list lol I got to 40 easily… and then just kinda got stuck. LOL the last few just got added to be added.
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I love this. I will do it, too.
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