Securing What?

I had gone into the office this morning and arrived just before 6am.  As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve gotten used to working these last few Saturdays.  Today was no different, being that I had a client visit scheduled for this morning at 7am.  I’m not always the most attentive person in the world, but when I arrived at the office, I want to say that I was the only there at the time.  With as big as the office is, I can never tell who is there, but from what I saw in the parking lot when I arrived, my car was the only one there at 5:54am.

I logged into my computer and did some writing and otherwise got myself ready for that 7am appointment.  I had also finished my bottle of coffee.  I use a reusable plastic bottle for my morning iced coffee and when I finish that coffee, I take the long walk over to the break room and rinse it out.  In making that walk to the break room and rinsing the bottle out, I noticed that as I walked back to my cubicle, there was a security guard who had inexplicably decided to post up near the one door that no one will enter on a weekend because it connects to the fleet lot.  I also need to mention that this security guard was fast asleep.  He was out cold, like NyQuil out cold.  I realized that I had walked past him and didn’t see he was there when I first entered the break room.  I only saw him as I walked back to my cubicle and he was out like a light.

Now, here are my questions.

–Was I being needlessly respectful when I made it a point not to make any noise as I walked by, so that I wouldn’t disturb this guy and otherwise wake him?

–Should I have made all kinds of hellish noise and deliberately wake this guy?

–Is it unreasonable to think that these kinds of security guards won’t fall asleep at least once during their shifts?

Far be for me to make fun of someone for working and trying to make an honest living, but I can’t think of any reason why a security guard who is on-duty should be asleep.  The only feasible reason I can think of for that dude being asleep is that some time before I got there, someone hit him on the head with a hammer.

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December 3, 2023

Poor dude must have been so tired