Random Gushing?

Serena and I went on a road trip last week for work purposes.  We had to travel 130 miles each way and had to battle ridiculous amounts of traffic to do it.  Suffice it to say that this road trip took us all day to complete, from sunup to sundown.  This allowed us to spend an entire day together and become engaged in some really deep and meaningful conversations.  If anything, it proved that she and I have an amazing rapport and we have already become quite the duo when it comes to getting our work done.

There’s nothing quite like developing a relationship with someone and seeing that relationship grow as time progresses.  With this kind of growth, there comes a certain intimacy and level of comfort that forms between two people.  We feel so good with each other and being in each other’s company that we’re looking forward to the next road trip that might come up in the future.  There’s no telling when this opportunity will present itself again but we’re hoping that we’ll be in a position to take advantage of it when it comes around again. 

Serena looks at me in this powerful, magical kind of way and she tells me that I look at her with a similar kind of face.  The thing is, is that I can’t tell when I’m making this face and I’m helpless to control it as a result.  Even as I write this, I have no idea what this face is, how to not do it, or how it looks.  She says it’s there though.  I have no choice but to take her word for it.    

We both know that our co-workers see how close we are and I have to imagine that many of them want to know what is really going on with us.  Given how I present myself in the office, no one will ever come to me with any of these kinds of questions.  Serena thinks that if anyone is going to be bombarded with these kinds of inquiries, it’s going to be her.  People tend to be especially nosy in our office, especially when it looks like two people are becoming increasingly close.  Everyone wants to know what is going on.  I know that Serena has a tendency to bring me up in conversations and I know if I had the chance to do so, I would follow suit.  She just happens to find herself in conversations where she can do that.  I do not. 

Serena has made excellent progress in her training through these past six months.  I had feared that once she got acclimated to the job and had learned how to do it on her own, she would effectively leave me behind.  In expressing this very sentiment to Serena herself, she assured me that this would not happen.  So, it would appear that, at least for the time being, that Serena and I will remain together for the foreseeable future. 

Being with Serena makes me feel like I’m 10 miles high.  When we’re together, it feels like all is right with the world and absolutely nothing can go wrong.  She is truly someone special and I’m glad that our paths had the chance to cross when they did.  It’s not always easy to express that gratitude and as far as Serena goes, I don’t how to do it.  I can write about it all day in this forum.  Where I think I would struggle would be when we are together, in-person, and I think about saying all or any of this to her. 

I don’t know if I can do it.    

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