Phoning It In

It seems that I tend not to talk much about how my days go, like maybe one would do in a typical journal or diary.  I don’t do daily recaps.  I don’t talk about my days, whether this is during the week or even the weekends.  I just don’t.  My life is pretty mundane as it is and I am of the mindset that much of what happens to me on a daily basis isn’t worth noting or writing about.  For some reason, I feel motivated to write about my day today.  I don’t quite know why, though I think that subconsciously, I know exactly why I’m penning this entry. 

Lately, I’ve taken to working on Saturdays.  I believe that I’ve worked at least three hours on each of the last five Saturdays and as much as eight hours on one of those days.  Sure, I like the overtime and padding my paycheck.  Yes, I’m also very behind at work and any time I can devote time to whittling away at my existing workload, I’m likely going to do it.  Truth be told though, even though those three hours don’t equate to much, as far my really putting a dent into any of the reports I have to write, that doesn’t stop me from trying.  I’m all about exerting some effort. 

I had a client appointment scheduled for this morning at 7am.  I didn’t schedule that.  My client did and I’m almost always willing to accommodate a client’s request for an early morning visit, whether this is during the week or even during the weekend.  I’ve always been an early bird and when it comes to completing my client visits, I will always opt for something that happens in the early morning rather than anything after 5pm.  Today, I arrived at the office just before 6am.  During the week, and also of late, I’ve grown accustomed to starting my days at 5am.  For today’s purposes, 6am felt more humane.  After all, it is Saturday.    

I left for my client’s home at about 6:35am.  During the 30 minutes or so before I headed out, I did a little bit of writing and otherwise prepared myself for that 7am visit.  Everything was pretty routine with this client visit and I was in and out of her residence in 35 minutes.  By 7:44am, I was back in the office parking lot. 

At 7:41am and unbeknownst to me at the time, I received a text message from my sweetheart, Serena.  My phone was on vibrate and I had been driving at the time that text message came in.  Additionally, that song in the video above was the song that was blaring from my car, courtesy of Spotify.  Yes, I’ll admit that that text message was the furthest thing from my mind, being that I had no reason to expect it.  Still, that doesn’t mean that I didn’t get excited when I saw who sent me that text message and I was thrilled to see that she wanted to chat for a few minutes.        

Allow me to provide some background as to how Serena and I play this whole communication game when we are not physically together.  When Serena is able and wanting to talk to me over the phone, she will send me a text message.  This text message is quite simple, very effective, and only consists of a single word.


Usually, she sends this in the form of a question, though sometimes she’ll omit the question mark, which I always take as a form of command/request.  Interestingly enough, this morning, she didn’t bother to send me her typical one-word text, asking if she could call.  Instead, her text message was another question. 

“You’re at work?”

I responded and told her that I was and that I had just gotten back to the office.  I was still in my car as well.  Serena then proceeded to just call, and I had absolutely no reason to question this or how eager she seemed to be this morning by doing so.  Just the fact that she called was enough for me to not even question it and rest assured, there were no questions asked.  I didn’t care why she called. 

Serena and I spoke for 39 minutes and 22 seconds.  At least, that’s what my phone says.  I wasn’t timing it myself, because in the end, I don’t care how much time has elapsed in real world time.  Serena pointed this out this morning, and I agree with her wholeheartedly that no matter how long we might be on the phone, it always feels like we’ve only been talking for 10 minutes.  It seems that we never have enough time, though I told her that we could converse for hours on end and never feel fully satisfied or fulfilled.  Our connection is that deep.  Serena and I can go on at length, talking about everything and sometimes even nothing.  I had even told her that I am wholly content with just hearing her voice, which always gets my heart going.  She doesn’t know this because I hide it well.  At least, I think I do.  I love the time that we spend together, but I also value our phone calls, especially in those times when we can’t physically be together. 

During this call, we talked about us, random things, us again, and then more random things.  Yes, nearly 40 minutes again felt more like 10.  We never have enough time. 

I told Serena that I was pleasantly surprised by her text message and the subsequent phone call this morning, not only because I had no reason to expect it, but because I had been thinking about her a lot these last few days and just hearing her voice again was so soothing and comforting.  During that phone call, Serena also acknowledged that she had been thinking about me too, which is what prompted her surprise text message and phone call.

Without going into too much detail, Serena and I had another moment of intimacy this past Thursday night.  We made out as we have been accustomed to many times in the past, but that night, we had also engaged in some other exploration and engaged in other activities that were new to us.  Not only did we become that much closer that night, but I firmly believe that it strengthened our relationship and at least for me, it served as further proof of Serena’s feelings for me.  She knows damn well how I feel about her, though I want to think that she too gained some further confirmation as to how I feel about her.  The last thing I’ll say about last Thursday night is that the entire experience with Serena was magical and truly memorable.      

Our last few phone calls since Thursday night have consisted of discussions about and thoughts of that very night.  I told Serena that I tend to think about her all the time, but of late, she’s been occupying more of my thoughts to where I am thinking about her that much more, assuming that such a thing is even possible. 

As I write this, it is approaching 4:15pm, Pacific Standard Time.  Many hours have gone by since I last spoke with Serena and I am missing her tremendously.  She’s still in my thoughts and my heart, but I am missing her.  I want to think that she is missing me and thinking about me just as much. 


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