Perhaps A Lot Of Nothing
I had Taco Bell for lunch today. When the day started, that was not where I had intended to eat lunch. Christina needed a gift card there and so I figured, why not? I was already going to be there anyway, so rather than drive somewhere else to eat, I decided to just eat there. I think I need to stop eating there. I think that I’ve been eating way too often, to where their food is starting to become especially bland. Now, know that I don’t eat there all the time. If I had to guess, maybe I eat there twice a month. That might be three times too many. I need to stop because the food there is starting to lose its flavor. Of course, I know that there are probably people out there who would say that Taco Bell food has never been flavorful to begin with.
Work was pretty routine today. Nothing of significance happened, which is how I like it. Let’s keep things chill and drama-free. I probably need to stop writing this like it is all of sudden news or noteworthy, but again, I walked out at the end of the day without saying a work to anyone. I have stopped giving a fuck about how it looks or how other people might see or perceive my behavior. Actually, truthfully, I’ve never cared about how my co-workers might see or think of my behavior. They can think whatever they want. I don’t care.
I spoke with Jackie (Work Wife #3) for almost an hour this morning. I didn’t plan on doing so. It just sort of happened. I guess she sensed from my morning text message that I wanted to vent and she allowed me to do so. I just told her that work sucked, that my motivation at work has been waning, and I’ve sort of given up on things getting better in the office. She was more than willing to listen, so I suppose I took advantage. It looks like she’s going to be in town this weekend and there’s a good chance that I’ll see her on Monday as she makes her way back to Las Vegas. Recently, she’s had some deaths in the family that occurred within weeks of each other and her family will be doing their celebrations of life this coming weekend. I offered her my condolences and told her that if she was able to stop by, I looked forward to seeing her. We’ll see if she is able to fit me into her schedule. If not, I’ll still text her every morning as I do.
For some reason, I have a headache. I thought that doing a little writing would have helped, but it hasn’t been entirely effective because my head still hurts. I’m just too lazy to get up and take something for it. Besides, I’ll be going to bed in less than two hours and I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to sleep these off. At this point, I’m playing the waiting game.
The [Video] Game Awards 2024 are going on, live, as I write this. I’m not going to bother to tune in either. Gaming has been garbage this year for the most part, to where I’ve returned to what is now referred to as retro gaming. I don’t care what they want to call it these days. I’ve found comfort in playing older titles again because those games aren’t woke like a lot of the games that were released in 2024.
So yes, in the end, I say, “Fuck the Game Awards 2024”. There’s nothing to celebrate there.
Now, X-Men Vs. Street Fighter on the Sega Saturn…I’m listening.