External Confidence?
I have never cared for this song, in terms of its sound, message, or even entertainment value. This has little to do with the reality that I don’t particularly care for Christina Aguilera either. I suppose she has a decent voice, but I’ve just never been a fan of her music or overall sound. To her credit, I suppose, she does pronounce her words when she sings, which is more than I can say about Ariana Grande. Grande might as well be mumbling on the mic because I can’t understand a damn word she is saying.
So “Beautiful” is supposed to be a song about self-empowerment and about embracing one’s inner beauty. I guess it is and it’s probably a great women’s anthem too, but it made me ask:
Where’s the man version of this song, the uplifting, positive, self-affirming track that’s supposed to get men in the mindset that we are valued, important, and even worthwhile?
There isn’t one and speaking from a male perspective, we don’t need such a song.
Men don’t need this kind of affirmation, at least not from a song. Speaking for myself and I’ve said this before. I don’t care or worry about the opinions of others, not third-party perspective nor how other people see me. Because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how others see me. I still have to do what I need to do regardless of how other people see or perceive me.
If someone calls me ugly, dumb, or anything negative, so what? What do I care? The opinions of others means nothing to me. I can’t collapse, crumble, or give up on life or my obligations in life because someone thinks I’m not handsome, they think I’m stupid, or that somehow I’m less than desirable in any capacity. My self-esteem is high enough to where I’ll be damned if anyone is going to bring me down.
It’s not arrogance. It’s confidence.
I know who I am. I know my limitations. I know my strengths. I know my weaknesses. I, like most men, will never come to rely on a song to bring my spirits up. I can do that sort of thing on my own.
I say what I mean and I mean what I say. It’s not that complicated. I don’t say things that I partially believe or only “kind of” mean, because in the end, what does that do? It makes no sense to say something I don’t believe. While I sometimes put humor behind much of what I say, when it’s time to be serious and convey a point or message, I’m going to honest and direct. I don’t look to hurt other people’s feelings, but sometimes people need to hear the truth. If I’m wrong, point it out to me. Show me. I’ll do the same for you.
As much as I am convinced that I don’t need affirmations from songs or even other people, this song right here by Ice Cube doesn’t necessarily empower me, as much as it lets me know that what I’m doing is right. It’s all about exuding confidence.
So, if Christina Aguilera wants to empower less-than-attractive females who don’t see their value or whose self-esteem is shot to hell, we’ll let her do that. She gave them an anthem.
As for me and my fellow man, know that Ice Cube keeps it very simple.
Do ya thing, mayne, fuck what they lookin’ at…