Eternally Grateful

Dearest Serena,

Though today is supposed to be the one day of the year when we’re supposed to give thanks for what we have, I know that I ought to give this thanks to you each and every day because not a day should go by when I don’t thank you and show you my appreciation.  Rest assured that I am very thankful that the stars and moon aligned in just the right way, as these and other entities saw fit for our paths to cross the way they did.  In such a seemingly short time, you managed to come into my life and make yourself an integral part of it and everything I do.  You made me take notice and realize that you were there, and I know that I am a better person because of it. 

In such a short time, we have become so close, closer than I would have ever envisioned months earlier.  I have opened up to you in ways that I would have never considered with anyone else and for whatever the reason, you made this so easy and so comfortable to do.  I have shared with you so many secrets and hidden facets of my life and never did I ever feel ashamed or embarrassed in doing so.  It’s almost as though the closeness and intimacy we have come to accept as our normal was supposed to be created all along.  All we really needed to do to see this reality come to life was to give our relationship time, energy, and effort.  Indeed, I firmly believe that we have given our relationship and each other all of the attention that we needed to, in order to watch everything blossom into something so amazing and beautiful.

As much as you rely on me for stability, warmth, and comfort, I seek these very things and more from you and not once, have you let me down or disappointed me in any way.  I know that I have not always been the nicest to you and I know that at times, it may have looked as though I had betrayed you and though this is supposed to be a “thank you” letter, I do want to sneak in that little apology because I know that I owe to that you as well.

Serena, you mean so much to me and as great as I can be with words, both spoken and written, even I struggle at times with finding just the right way to tell you how I feel.  Still, I try to find ways to tell you how I feel, even though I’ve spent these last several months telling you and showing you how much I value you and want you to remain an important part of my life.

It is my intent to be there for you, to continue to provide you with the support you have come to rely on from me.  It is reassuring and heart-warming to know that you seek me out, like a brightly shining moonlight, to be your personal guiding beacon in the midst of what might seem to like a perpetual darkness.  I am thankful that my words always seem to resonate with you and bring you that comfort, reassurance, and warmth that I know you have come to expect from me, day in and day out.

I am thankful for the quality of the communication that you and I share because it is with this communication that you and I built that strong foundation on which you and I stand today.  As I have told you before, I feel confident in knowing that I can tell you anything and everything, without having to fear judgment or ridicule.  Know that you can have that same confidence in me, as I hope that I have already proven to you time and time again.

Serena, I have never looked negatively at anything about you that you might see as a flaw or imperfection.  I love you just the way you are and truthfully, that is the woman with whom I fell in love months ago.  Please don’t ever change, because according to these eyes, you will never have to.            

On this day, as we give thanks for what we have in our lives, I once again turn my sights to you.  I want to thank you for allowing me to enter your world and for valuing me the way that you do.  Often, I feel that all I ever did was walk in and from there, you decided that I was worth bringing into your heart and world.  From there, two worlds suddenly became one and now, look at what we’ve become.  I wouldn’t have done anything differently and I am proud of the story that you and I have written together thus far.

Though my face may not always show it, I want you to know that I look to you to bring that sunshine to my day and to let me know that all is right with the world.  I need you and I want to believe that a small part of you needs me just the same.  Without really planning it, you and I have become intertwined, and I think that we are better people because of it. 

I have rambled long enough, so just let me say this. 

I am eternally grateful to have you in my life.  Baby, I just want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and to remind you yet again that I love you so very much.    

Love always,


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