Does Whatever A Spider Can?

I don’t watch movies as much as I used to.  After I dedicated my life to gaming just before I became a teenager, I pretty much left television and movies behind.  This is not to say that I haven’t watched a movie or a television show ever since.  I just don’t rely on TV and movies as my forms of preferred entertainment as I assume most people might.

I still spend a lot of my free time, and even time at work, watching stuff on YouTube.  The video above is one of those videos.  Surprisingly, it is ridiculously short, so those who become overloaded watching stuff on TikTok should be fine watching it.  It’s just under 40 seconds long.  Feel free to take a glance.

I liked the Spider-man movies that featured Tobey Maguire.  Kirsten Dunst, I could have done without.  This is not to say that she was terrible in the movie.  I am just of the impression that anyone else who could have filled the role would likely have done a decent or commendable job, just like she did.  Mary Jane Watson, the character that Dunst had played, was a secondary character.  For those not in the know, Mary Jane is Peter Parker’s, Spider-man’s alter ego’s, love interest in the movie.  Spider-man, as the titular character of the movie, could have been the only protagonist in the movie and no one would have complained.  I suspect that there weren’t many people who rushed to see the movie, just to watch Dunst’s portrayal of Mary Jane.    

Apparently, Dunst wants to complain about how much she got paid in that movie. 

I don’t know about you, but Dunst leading with the fact that she was in the movie “Bring It On” (and then piling on that Maguire was not), is hardly a flex and nothing that is going to be deemed wholly impressive.  No one cares.  Okay, let me clarify that. 

I don’t care.

Dunst was not the star of Spider-man.  She was never intended to be the star. The movie was called “Spider-man”, not “Mary Jane”.  Now, if the movie had portrayed Mary Jane as the lead character, well then, yeah, Dunst should be compensated accordingly.

Now, in concluding this brief entry, I will say this. 

The Spider-man series of movies that featured Tobey Maguire will always be preferred, at least for me, over the subsequent movies where it was somehow decided that Zendeya should play Mary Jane Watson, I mean, excuse me, Michelle Jones-Watson.  Fuck that, Marvel Cinematic Universe.  You’re not fooling anyone.  Oh, and yes, without a doubt, I blame Disney for coming up with that stupid shit in the first place, since Disney thinks it’s perfectly okay to race-swap characters at will.        


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