Decent, Not Great

Today turned out to be decent. Could have been better. Could have been worse.

Work was work. I started early and left at my normal time. Did what I needed to do and promptly left. The air conditioning unit on my side of the office again has chosen not to work, which creates a very uncomfortable work environment. It was 80 degrees at my desk for much of the afternoon. This is not only uncomfortable, but it is also unacceptable. I’ve complained about this sort of thing before, though it seems that nothing ever gets done. Unless it miraculously happens to get colder outside this week, these same conditions are likely to persist as the week progresses.

Ernie is supposed to be on vacation and I didn’t see him today in the office. This made the day a little more tolerable than usual. I hope that he is genuinely on vacation this week, because I know that I could use the break. He contributes little, if anything, to the office space and as I’ve said before, he gets on my nerves.

She didn’t reach out to me today. Don’t know if I should read into that any more than I already am. I’m trying not to put much thought into it. Maybe we’ll talk tomorrow? I can’t really say. That’s one of those things that is out of my control, like the weather and the extent to which my nausea acts up. I guess I’ll have to be ready for whatever happens.

I wanted to take a sidestep from this entry and thank those folks who chimed in and noted on some of my recent posts. I don’t get a lot of notes when I write, though this is not the reason for my writing. I write because I thoroughly enjoy writing. If people happen to read my stuff, that’s great. If not, I’ll still continue to write regardless.

I thought I had more to say in this entry, but apparently, I don’t.

Tomorrow is another day, hopefully one that doesn’t suck.

Today was okay. No frills, no thrills. It just was.

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