Could’ve Been A Good Morning

As I’ve said many times before, I live a fairly simple life.  I get to bed ridiculously early most nights.  I get up really early so that I can get to work earlier than most would consider to be sane.  I do my job and I like to think that I do it well.  I leave at the end of the day, after 12+ hours.  I eat dinner and within an hour, I’m going to bed, looking forward to repeating the entire process the next day.  It’s all very routine for me.  Indeed, I am a creature of habit and that’s the way I like it.

So, for much of the past year, she and I would greet each other at the beginning of the day with a standard “Good morning” text message.  It was just a part of our day and that too would become part of my routine.  Of late, there have been instances during the past few weeks where her text message just wouldn’t be sent.  Sometimes, I’d question it.  Sometimes, I wouldn’t.  Sometimes routine, when it’s broken, can feel weird and I think it’s understandable to ask why something so seemingly mundane suddenly stops happening.

This morning, I made the mistake by questioning her why her good morning text message never made it to me.  Now, I’ll admit that maybe I was too aggressive in the way that I asked her.

“So this is how we’re starting the week…good morning to you too”. 

I have to preface this text message by saying that I saw her in the office well before I sent that text message.

She replied through text message, “Good morning…locked out of my computer”.

I, being the asshole that I am, tell her this:

“You being locked out of your computer doesn’t effect your ability to send a good morning text, but that’s just me”. 

She brilliantly replies, “I’m not doing this with you today”.

A second text message is sent moments later:

“I’m not obligated to text you in the morning.  That’s now [sic] what normal people do”.

Without delving too deeply in the rest of the exchange, because she essentially proceeds to chastise me for having such demanding expectations that she tell me good morning, she then has the gall to ask me:

“You’re not going to talk to me”?

I did talk to her, but truth be told, the rest of the day and this text message exchange would be pretty shitty.

I genuinely don’t know what tomorrow will bring, though it is my hope that my optimism will not be defeated like it almost was today.

I am left wondering though.

Was I somehow in the wrong?

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