Again With The Race Swapping!?!?
Disney continues not to score any points with me and I’m convinced that I’m not the only one that they continue to offend with their antics. Disney again wants to do that whole race swapping nonsense, this time with another Marvel property, as noted in the video above.
Why Disney continues to think that sort of thing is good is beyond me. Based on the recent activity on YouTube regarding the soon-to-be released Marvel Animation – Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, it looks like Disney has ruffled feathers all over the place, not just mine. I’m just not doing a video about it. I’ve taken to writing about it here, as I do.
In the video above, Youtuber “Kaida” makes a lot of valid points and in general, I agree with him wholeheartedly. I’m not black, but I don’t have to be, to intensely dislike all the race swapping that Disney likes to do. No one asked for Norman and son Harry Osborn to be black, just like no one asked for a black Ariel (as is in the 2024 live-action iteration of The Little Mermaid) or a Hispanic Snow White. And if it matters, I’m glad to see all the backlash that Rachel Zeigler is getting. She’s had it coming for a while and I like that she’s finally being called out for all of the dumb stuff she said about the original Snow White animated movie being old and antiquated and how there shouldn’t have been a push for the live action movie to mimic the original movie. Again, Disney insists on needlessly changing things. Zeigler is a complete moron.
Disney continues to ruin things, not only their own properties, but also those of Marvel and Star Wars. As much as I don’t want to see Marvel’s continued spiral at the hands of Disney, I’ll admit that I like watching Disney flounder in general. This is definitely not the same company that had so much success prior to the 2010’s. As far as I’m concerned, those days of Disney brilliance are dead and gone. I am fearful that Disney will ruin other Marvel characters and their storylines and that Marvel will embark on its own slow and painful death because of Disney’s continued missteps.
I’m not a huge Star Wars fan, but I can’t say that I’m happy with what Disney has done to Star Wars since they bought it from George Lucas. He might not come out publicly and give his honest opinion, but I have to think that he’s not entirely pleased or thrilled with what has happened to that once beloved and revered franchise. Indeed, Star Wars has become a laughingstock in Disney’s hands and there’s no telling whether Star Wars ever returns to its former glory.
We’re not even 24 hours into 2025 and already, Disney wants to get off on the wrong foot.
How fucking dumb can one company be?