

Im really enjoying Mitchell Emms cover of ‘Better Off Now’ (Lady Antebellum) – The guy was in The Voice UK. Shame he went out. I voted lol.

Nathan had his party at nursery today, it was Prince/Princess theme so he got a home-made crown. He was so happy. It was his last day of nursery today for the Summer Holidays. So for the next week every day I will get "Me go nursery today?" off him. He is so adorable. Lucas will be happy anyway since he has a meltdown when "Nay" goes to nursery and leaves him. Wee soul. 

They were so cute tonight, Nathan chasing Lucas about & their little laughs. I love their wee giggles they are so cute.

I’m booked in for another piercing on 4th July. Excited. 

Every day I question whether to go to college this year or next. I’m 95% sure of what I want to do but either way Nursing would give me all kinds of options. I still like the idea of branching off into the Paramedic field. Lucas will be at nursery next year which should make it all easier in that sense, but sometimes I feel like I’m stuck right now, not doing anything. Well not nothing I have 2 boys to raise. But you know what I mean. I want a career, 

I feel like I’m old before my time. Maybe that explains my crazy idea’s lately.

Im trying to design a half sleeve tattoo. Im sure my Mum will freak out, but she’ll appreciate the half sleeve much more than she will the full sleeve when its completed lol. 






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