Sunday @ 09.22am

A week ago today N*  broke his foot. I cant believe my 3 year old baby has a stookie on. We think he tripped in the living room on the rug because as soon as we heard him fall he was so upset standing up and couldn’t put weight on his left foot. He just wanted to go to bed so I never imagined he could have broke anything as he’s the sort of child that trips over his own feet on a daily basis. But on Monday last week I phoned NHS24 and ended up taking him to A&E at hospital. About 3 hours later and an xray it confirmed he broke 2 bones on the top part of his foot. Back in 2 weeks to check it all, because he’s so young the doctors said he will heal fast so Im hoping the stookie will come off in 2 weeks. My poor baby boy. 

I’ve been trying out blogger lately, although I dont think it will last. No matter where I go I always come back here. 

Im trying to get back onto my photobucket account to upload some new photos of the boys, so will see if the loading of photos ever works. 

I got some new piercings again. But Im having a break with them for a while. In the last 4 weeks I’ve had 2 Tragus piercings, My Ear Lobes pierced again, and my Nipple re-pierced. Was gutted I took out my nipple piercing when I got pregnant but glad I got it re-done. I think I’ll move onto tattoo’s again soon, I miss them and I need my L*  tattoo done after I get my N* one done, still raging the tattooist fucked my tattoo up. 

Has anyone had a tattoo removed before? I cant find anyone who has and I’ve no idea if removal can be 100% fine.








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