Where do we go from here?

‘If you were me, then you’d be screaming someone shoot me’ Bowling for Soup – Girls all the bad guys want

Perfect Circle sits, drumming her fingers on her leg. It is now 3:30 and her interview was supposed to start 15 minutes ago. Had she turned up late then you know that would have gone against her, but still. Turns out the interview is late starting because the previous candidate (who went in there around 2ish) is still gabbing on. He must have lots to say.

Finally, Perfy’s chance arrives. It’s over within 25 minutes and by the end of it, all five people in the room are wondering why the 25-yr old with no web design experience and only 6 months as a web editor (and even then I had to exaggerate slightly what I’d done), they are wondering why she is even in the room. As Perfy is. You see as great as the museum contract sounded (even though it was only a 6 month, not to be extended contract) I was totally under-qualified for it. I have no idea why I got an interview. I think there must have been a typo somewhere. I think I should have got the ‘thanks for applying but no thanks’ letter.

The interview on Wednesday went better, but to be honest I’m not convinced. The job in the ad and job description sounded different to the job described in the interview. Not that I’m complaining, the interview job sounded better, but I think I might have them convinced that I want to edit (which I do), but you can’t do that in the job, and now I’m worried that they think I’ll be dying to get above of myself too fast. The only hope is the interview on Monday (previously tuesday but brought forward) which is something I’d love to do, pays more and is generally great. So all fingers are crossed for that one.

I have the house to myself tonight for the first time in weeks. It’s Rich’s birthday tomorrow and they have gone for drinks. I’ve not for the simple reason that I am working a 7:30am – 6pm shift tomorrow and that kind of shift isn’t the kind you want to be hungover for. I’m enjoying the peace of being able to play my mp3s loudly and that, if I wanted to watch tv, I could watch anything I wanted to, not the damn athletics. Who cares how fast people can run and how far they can jump? Not me, that’s for certain!

I’m in two minds today. Clingy and needy on the one side and wanting nothing more than utter solitude on the other – they don’t really mesh well. It just makes me grumpy, prone to crying at Buffy and needing chocolate in a house with plenty of damn alcohol but no bloody chocolate. My temper is frayed more than usual and I’m taking it all out on the wrong person (Duncan as opposed to Andrew, who basically is at least part of the cause of my strange mood at the moment). I think I shall surf around and see if I can find someone to commiserate with.

BTW I reinstalled my icq again today, and promise I will be on as often as possible. Hence those who I used to chat to will all have authorisation requests awaiting them.

Until there is a next time…


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August 8, 2002

Good Luck with the job interviews. They suck don’t they?

Good luck for Monday! I’m sorry you weren’t included in my entry (as it were), but I figured you had Duncan to keep you entertained in the corner ;o)

August 8, 2002

Interviews.. remember them, hate them xx

August 9, 2002

I’m sure they wouldn’t call you in if they hadn’t liked what you said in your application, so don’t jumpt to conclusions before you’ve heard the result! All the best for Monday *hugs*

YAY you’re going to be back on ICQ!!! (I’m such crap at emailing, it’s so much easier to talk when you’re actually there) ;o) I had something more intelligent to say, I swear, but I can’t for the life of me remember. Then again, it is only 8 am 🙂

August 16, 2002

good luck with the interviews! take care. Much love~ Lesley rae