when we are together

‘And I’ve heard it said too many times’ Annie Lennox – Why

Well, surprise surprise I didn’t get the museum job. That didn’t really bother me or phase me at all. I know the interview went badly, I didn’t expect anything else. But to read the rejection letter from NBS today, now that was something different. I guess it teaches me for assuming that I was over qualified for the position. Apparently, I’m not qualified/experienced enough. Editing a website, studying proof-reading constantly for three years and proof reading in all of my jobs wasn’t enough for these people.

Which just leaves the interview yesterday. Which wasn’t great. Teaches me for going to an interview without looking at a job description. Seems they want someone more pr based and as I’ve done nothing in pr I don’t expect the chance of a second interview. But, not to be disheartened, the Guardian turned up some interesting prospects including some freelance work for October, website editor for the uni, more freelance work and some work that looks promising if it’s not based in London. It irritates me that companies advertising on the Guardian site don’t put where they are based. Instead under location they put the UK so the job comes up in every search done. So many times I’ve thought… ‘yeah! great job’ only to discover that it is based in the capital. Sometimes leaving London and wanting to stay in publishing seem like two ideas that just don’t go together.

Andrew is still here, although he has had an interview today and has another one on Friday – as much as I want him to get a job and get out of my flat, I’m going to be pissed off when he gets a job before me (and at this rate he will). But at least he will then be gone.

We’d thought about heading up to Scotland for the bank holiday, a night away at least (especially seeing as how on Saturday 24th we’ll have been together a whole 18 months) but finances say otherwise. Also, we really wanted to go to Edinburgh, but with the festival we couldn’t find anywhere cheap let alone affordable that was free. So instead, we shall simply go for dinner in town, just the two of us. In a kind of housewifey-never-goes-out-way, I’m kind of looking forward to it already. I miss it being just the two of us.

Until there is a next time…


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Oh shame I’m skint, otherwise you’d have both been more than welcome to stay with me!

August 13, 2002

Thanks for your note *hugs* xx

I can’t believe you didn’t get that job! Bastards! 🙁

August 13, 2002

Living with LLPJ would be fun. I read once that she (allegedly) once had some of that water stuff you can shove in the iron to make your clothes smell summery fresh. Began with a ‘V’. And oddly enough it wasn’t vodka. ryn: as long as you actually have the ideas that’s the main thing. It’s nice to take them for a meander before you scribble them down. No doubt you’ll write when you’re ready.

August 13, 2002

of course UK=London. didn’t you know?!

August 14, 2002

have a lovely time if you do go out:)