We’ve only started

‘We’ve always had time on our side, now it’s fading fast’ OMD – If you leave

Let’s play spot the difference eh? One day this week I got up before 8am, sat in front of the computer for about 5 hours, whilst listening to music. Another day this week I got up before 7am, sat in front of the computer for 5 hours, whilst listening to music. One of these days was spent at home, the other spent in the office. The difference? To surf the net for personal use at work I pay £10 in petrol for the privilege.

Can we say ‘complete waste of f*cking time’? Because that what my days are right now. Apparently I cannot just sit at home every day, I also have to be in the office three days a week. During that time in the office I sit in front of the pc, listening to MTV2 and surfing the net for whatever the hell I want. I could be at home doing this but with the added pleasure of having icq & msn open & talking to people. I tried to explain this to Pete yesterday (only without the icq part) and got no-where. He couldn’t seem to grasp that I spend £10 a day hauling my ass to Middlesbrough to do what I could do quite well at home.

I went through the Chronicle jobs section last night. Of the 1000 jobs they claimed to have I found one that I could possibly do, if I stretched my cv ever so slightly – not lie, just emphasise parts that maybe I wouldn’t normally.

Right now I just feel really pissed off. This is the worst feeling. I’d rather go on for a few more weeks in blissful ignorance, doing my work & then find out one day I’d been made redundant on that actual day, instead of sitting around and waiting for the inevitable. I think once this is over I will have to buy Duncan a huge present for putting up with my moody face and ever-changing thoughts. How he has put up with it without slapping me I shall never know.

Until there is a next time…


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I wonder what the difference is too sometimes, except that work actually cuts down on the surfing…then again, it’s only 5K away and I ride my bicycle. 😉 Love,

Really sorry you are feeling so pissed off. It doesn’t seem right – now they have told you the situaiton they should put everyone out of their misery and say exactly who is staying and who going. I’m sure something will come up – keep smiling 🙂

I went through the same thing this summer and I know how hard it is. But for me , it worked out great because I ended up in a job I really love. And so will you, hang in there:)

Blargh. I watched MTV2 in Paris. There was a band called Muse that I really liked but I’ve had some trouble finding their CD in America. Maybe I can order it from Virgin…… hmmm. Oh sorry. Just rambling. Nice entry… see ya! ~

Because he loves you… that’s how 🙂

emphasize away, i say!!!

I think you have every right to be pissed off…stupid bastards. As for Duncan ‘putting up’ with you, I hardly think that’s how he thinks of it 😉 Silly girl 🙂

October 8, 2001

Teapot’s right, I don’t think Duncan would see it as “putting up with you”. 🙂