Welcome to the cheap seats

‘Hook me up a new revolution, cause this one is a lie’ Foo Fighters – Learn to Fly

A couple of months ago I’d have given everything to get out of this crappy company, and yet yesterday when I was finally, officially told that my services were no longer required, I felt a certain sadness about it all. Jason called me yesterday afternoon at home & explained that I hadn’t scored as highly in the selection criteria and was therefore being made provisionally redundant (no-one is officially redundant until December 27th). I got off the phone and just felt so helpless and so unbelievably scared. Scared because I don’t have any clue as to what is next. I had the hospital job interview yesterday & didn’t get it (although after going through the interview and learning more about the job I decided I didn’t want it anyway). I have still heard nothing from the writing magazine (the one I really, really want) and I still have an application to complete for a content developer for South Shields government site. That one seems like a possibility, I have pretty much everything they are asking for, which is always a good start. Plus tomorrow I am off to the jobs fair which is being held at the Telewest in Newcastle. Hopefully I’ll find some good companies to dish out my cv to.

Last night we did quiz night again, although I didn’t enjoy it as much as usual. There was a big group of us this time (eight at one point) and, again, I was in charge of writing the answers down. I hate this for tow reasons. First, no-one else seems to listen to the questions, and so whilst I’m trying to think I get people continually asking me to repeat the question. If I know the answer straight away and write it down without consulting then I get remarks off people that maybe I should just do the quiz on my own. Maybe I flipping well will. At least I won’t keep asking myself what he said.

Still no clue as to when I will be able to stop working. Jason said I wouldn’t have to work right up until Christmas, but I was kind of hoping that next week would be my last. I guess I should stop pinning my hopes on promises made by Sarah, as she has invariably let me down so far. But I’m going to try and forget it this weekend. After Duncan has finished work tomorrow we are going to watch the (taped) England vs South Africa rugby & enjoy a nice meal & a decent bottle of wine to celebrate nine months together.

Until there is a next time…


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Aw, poor you. Seems like no matter how much we want something to ed, when it finally does it is always tinged with sadness. Would it be worth getting in touch with the magazine job, just to check they received your application? Enjoy the ruggers and beer!

I’m thinking of you at this tough time-if it’s any consolation (& it’s probably not,when I was made redundant in June, I was so upset & scared(even though I hated the job) & I kept thinking how unfair it was that the while I had wanted to leave, they had taken the decision out of my hands. In hindsight (it’s a great thing, isn’t it? I just wish I could develop foresight), it was the best thing

that ever happened to me & I love the job I have now. If I hadn’t been made redundant, I’d probably be still in my old job, feeling sick when the alarm went off every morning.While it doesn’t seem like it now, maybe it’s the best thing that ever happened to you. Now you’ll have time to concentrate on your writing & this time next year you could have a number 1 best seller-imagine the satisfaction

of Sarah & co reading about you! I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that everything will work out for you. In the meantime, enjoy your evening and weekend. Sorry this was so longwinded! Take care,

November 23, 2001

Is always a bit of a shock to the system when something like what happened to you at work happened…no matter how much you wanted it *hugs* ryn:yup you were right abot how i was feeling…I just needed to calm down and examine it…bloody hormonal women! *hugs*

I do hope everything works out OK. My leg’s fine now and I’m back to work tomorrow. Ugh! Thanks for your kind words.

November 24, 2001

thanks for your note..it does make a difference knowing that someone younger than 18 was aloud to be the maid of honor..thanks

Happy anniversary… may you have many more 🙂

i know just how you feel. it becomes so stressful when you have no clue as to what’s going to happen to you, what kind of job you’ll end up with, but it seems with each new job you get you’re in a sense climbing a ladder. this next job you land will be the best one yet.