We are not alone

‘what you feel is what you, and what you are is beautiful’ Goo Goo Dolls – Iris

I’m off work at the moment, which explains the slight prolificness (not even sure if that is a word) of my entries and notes of late. It started off quite genuine. I had a horrible sore throat over the weekend and then my sinuses got blocked. This meant I couldn’t sleep on Sunday night (hence watching the men’s downhill and contemplating the future), so I called in sick on Monday. Then on Monday night, again I didn’t sleep so great and I still felt a bit crappy. Better to be safe than sorry I figured so I called in sick again. This morning however the lame excuse I have to offer is that Duncan is off, and as I am currently faced with the prospect of not seeing him for half the weekend, I decided to skive. It would be fine if I didn’t keep thinking to myself.. ‘well there’s another fiver I won’t be getting’. Being paid by the hour stinks. I will go back tomorrow though.

BT are trying to screw our lives again. God I hate that place. They’ve screwed up the shift patterns of other teams meaning Duncan can only do overtime if someone else doesn’t show up. Unless he wants to work on Sundays of course. Like every other Saturday isn’t e-freaking-nough for these people. He’s working 3pm till 11pm this Saturday, which blows. I hate BT and the sooner he is out of there, the better.

I should have used these days productively. But I didn’t. I’ve had some thoughts and worked on extending a 300 odd word piece I pasted in here in December, but that’s about it. I am reading ‘On Writing’ by Stephen King and beginning to think that my story and characters are unrealistic. Saturday, with no distractions is when I shall sit down and work on it. I also have to get Duncan’s birthday presents on Saturday, and buy cinema tickets for the weekend after (Lord of the Rings again, yes I enjoyed it *that* much) as well as train tickets to Leeds next month (::blueberry marcus, I shall be emailing soon!)

Other than that I have done very little. Applied for deathly-dull jobs in office admin that may be no better than Accuread but will at least pay more and possibly provide email or internet access as well. I didn’t hear at all from the uni about the web editor position. Clearly they didn’t read my application. How much more suited to a web editor position is an ex-web editor? What does a girl have to do to get a break round here?

Finally, a side note of ‘former impending doom’ of diary. Where the freaking heck did these pop ups and ads down the side of ‘add an entry’ and ‘leave a note’ come from? Eh? I thought no-one was advertising, or was that just something to make us part with our money quicker? Eh? Didn’t work really though did it? Guess we’ll survive for a while longer yet. Bet DM didn’t think we’d fight back did he? Ha! (there goes my editors choice nomination!!! hehehehe)

Until there is a next time…


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You’ll have to send your story out for some unbiased(ish) views! *hint hint*

Hey girlfriend – thanks for the note on my weblog. BT are feckers in more ways than one, it seems! Vicky (ex-LLPJ)

February 14, 2002

It’s so good to read the diary of a fellow BT hater.. damn stupid people, couldn’t organise anything efficiently if they tried.

All phone companies are in league with The Devil Jamie Oliver

Can’t tell what company you work for, but most businesses are similar–bottom line, screw the employee. Keep writing–you have as good a chance as anyone else! RYN: Thanks for the praise.

mmmmm Jamie Oliver… 🙂 I was ill about two weeks or more ago and I STILL feel crappy. My sinuses have been all weird since and now I’ve developed a cough. Wonderful. Hope you feel better!

Hope everything is okay – I miss you and my daily fix of your entries – COME BACK!!! *hugs*