
‘I take it from your whisper you’re not that tough’ Kristin Hersch – Your ghost

I think each and every one of us has a lesson that we will simply never learn. No matter how many times the universe attempts to make us learn, we refuse to, each time thinking it will end differently. My lesson? Every time I go out with Leinad, I end up waking up early the next morning feeling like a ten tonne truck went over my head and that everything would be ok if only my mouth didn’t feel like an ashtray (and I never smoked!) and the room would just keep still.

Yes, last night Leinad and LLPJ paid a visit to Newcastle, so obviously alcohol became involved. We started in Jesmond at a very busy bar before moving on to the slightly less busy usual pub. At 11:30 we decided clubbing would be a great idea and so ran for the last metro and went to Cuba Cuba. About thirty minutes later it dawned on me that clubbing was a bad idea as I was feeling very much worse for wear and wanted to sleep for as long as possible. To cap it all I had to get up early this morning and leave Duncan in bed so that I could get my hair chopped and coloured for next week. Turns out there are new staff at my hairdressers and they let the new saturday girl (second week), rinse my colour off. Not only did she keep hitting my head with the water thing, but also let it run into my ears and soaked the back of my t-shirt. They knocked a fiver off the price, but this still doesn’t change the fact that my grey t-shirt now has a kind of orangey colour round the neck and across the shoulders. I hope it comes out, and it’s plain typical that I chose that one and not a black one that wouldn’t have shown the dye. It’s one of those days.

But now I have the rest of the day to myself as Duncan is working until 8 tonight. I’ve done most of the housework and am putting off entering the bedroom to tidy it up, in the vain hope that some helpful pixie or something may come along & put the washing away and throw away the newspapers. Chances are probably zilch, but still. Other than that, I am going to sleep, relax and enjoy the weekend as the next one will be busy what with the packing, cleaning and travelling that we will be doing. Just think… only eight more days to go.

Until there is a next time…


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April 27, 2002

Eight days and counting! Sympathise with you about wishing for the pixie to come – there is about three weeks worth of clean cloths on my bedroom floor – I really will pu it away one day…

April 27, 2002

Chances are only probably zilch of the pixie doing the tidying for you? Sounds like you had more to drink last night than you thought!

I wish the pixies would come and do our dishes! (yes, you heard me right, i said “our”! I’m pretty much installed at Scott’s house, I’ll email you the address unless I’ve done so already – I can’t remember!) 🙂

April 27, 2002

hope the pix showed up — mine does sometimes

My hangover was cured by the consumption of a ton of greasy fried brekkie! It was a good night (except for drooling old men in pubs of course!)

April 28, 2002

You showed LLPJ round Newcastle and it’s still in one piece? I’m suitably impressed.

A top night – and thank you so much for showing me the best of Newcastle! I had a fab time, and I blame your hangover on Archers. I had no hangover at all. (Honestly!)

April 30, 2002

Somehow hangovers seem much more acceptable when you’ve had a damn good time the night before 🙂