Waiting for that day

Sorry, no proper entry in ages and not one now really either. I’ve jumped on the 101 things in 1001 days bandwagon and set up a separate blog for it here: http://perfectcircle77.blogspot.com – I wanted somewhere where I didn’t mind who read it. I will update my progress occassionally on OD but it’ll mostly be over there. The list though, for reference, is:

1 – Put aside £5 for every task completed and treat myself when the 1001 days are over
2 – Document my progress in a blog
3 – Donate £5 to charity for every unfinished item on the list

4 – Get pregnant
5 – Grow a sunflower with my daughter
6 – Make up a photo album of my daughter’s first year
7 – Take a photo of my daughter at least once a week
8 – Go on holiday to somewhere we’ve never been before
9 – Upload photos to flickr once a month
10 – Make a snowman with my daughter
11 – Make a scrapbook for my daughter
12 – Teach my daughter how to read
13 – Keep a birthday book and send everyone in it at least a card
14 – Write one letter a month to my gran
15 – Write a letter to my daughter, to be opened on her 18th birthday
16 – Take my daughter swimming
17 – Have some professional photos of my daughter taken
18 – Go on ten ‘dates’ with my husband
19 – Go to a panto as a family
20 – Go to Blackpool
21 – Go on a picnic
22 – Write & send all Christmas cards by December 7th
23 – Organise an Easter egg hunt for my daughter

Home & garden
24 – Successfully grow rhubarb
25 – Create a book of recipes I love
26 – Organise and file all paperwork once a month
27 – Declutter the house
28 – Replace blinds in the living room with voile curtains
29 – Clear wardrobe of all clothes that don’t fit me or that I haven’t worn in two years
30 – Buy a fireproof box for all important documents
31 – Make up a first aid kit for the house
32 – Develop a routine for weekly household chores
33 – Grow 3 herbs
34 – Have the living room carpet professionally cleaned
35 – Make my own chutney
36 – Make a bird feeder

37 – Bake cake/biscuits with my daughter twice a month
38 – Make jam
39 – Make bread & ice cream once a month
40 – Make at least one new recipe a month
41 – Have a meat-free day every week
42 – Go 30 days without having a takeaway
43 – Try sushi
44 – Eat 2 portions of fruit every day for 30 days
45 – Make pasta from scratch
46 – Go 7 days without chocolate
47 – Use the juicer once a month
48 – Drink only water for one week

49 – Knit myself a pair of socks
50 – Make at least 5 gifts for Christmas
51 – Knit at least one item of clothing for me
52 – Learn to crochet
53 – Learn to quilt
54 – Make a quilt
55 – Knit a throw for my daughter’s room

56 – Wild release 101 books through Bookcrossing
57 – Read 400 books
58 – Read 101 of the 1001 Books To Read Before You Die
59 – Register all my books at Bookcrossing
60 – Buy no books for 30 days in a row
61 – Read 5 of the parenting books I have
62 – Read War & Peace

For others
63 – Give 5 ‘I saw this and thought of you’ gifts
64 – Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice at http://www.freerice.com/
65 – Knit 5 items for scbu
66 – Send 20 rabcks (random act of bookcrossing kindness)
67 – Give blood

Health & Fitness
68 – Lose 1 stone 10 pounds
69 – Use Wii Fit at least 3 days a week for at least 45 minutes each time
70 – Take a yoga class
71 – Buy a pedometer
72 – Complete 10,000 steps a day for one week
73 – Learn Pilates

For me
74 – Qualify as a postnatal leader
75 – Watch all my DVDs
76 – Complete 1001 sudoku puzzles
77 – Buy flowers once a month
78 – Buy every season of ER on DVD
79 – Replace all cassette albums with CDs
80 – Keep an address book
81 – Buy a new mobile phone
82 – Visit the Baltic Gallery
83 – Subscribe to one new blog a month
84 – Post at least 10 posts a month in the forums I’m a member of
85 – Spend less than I earn for 2 months in a row
86 – Clear my overdraft
87 – Get a penpal
88 – Listen to all my CDs at least once
89 – Have an indulgent bubble bath once a month
90 – Get a second tattoo
91 – Send a secret to PostSecret
92 – Own & watch 25 of IMDB’s top 250 films
93 – Have one day a month where I don’t go on the computer at all
94 – Apply to become a member of Mensa
95 – Keep a fantasy football team going for a whole season
96 – Respond to emails within 7 days (unless on holiday)
97 – See 5 movies at the cinema
98 – Start a conversation with someone new at toddler group
99 – Have £50 in my account with YouGov
100 – Set up voicemail on my mobile phone
101 – Release a message in a bottle

Life is crazy, Zoe is 3 in two days – eek! and I seem to spend all my days working, knitting or entertaining her with the occasional studying or reading. It’s a crazy life. Real entry to follow soon, I promise.

Until there is a next time…

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September 7, 2009

Your list is BRILLIANT! I esp love the very first one. 🙂

September 7, 2009

Cracking list 🙂

September 7, 2009

Excellent. Good luck!

September 8, 2009

Love your list 🙂 xxxx

i would do this but i’m such a procrastinator that it’d never fly 😉

September 21, 2009

Very good luck love. I would love to make a quilt!