Vida la vida

I’m supposed to be working but I can’t concentrate on ‘Premier League Bowls’ (adding the words premier league do not make the ‘sport’ more exciting, believe me). I’m supposed to have been doing a lot of things in the past couple of days, to take my mind off that waiting period between ovulation and the am I/aren’t I pregnant stage? I’m being pessimistic mainly (to not get my hopes up) but my mind seems to want to fixate on this. It’s annoying.

We had a lovely holiday in Scotland, 2 weeks ago now. Duncan got home from Vegas on the Saturday night. He bought me, among other things, a fab CSI t-shirt & a matching one for Zoe. I can see it now, CSI Wallsend, coming to a TV near you soon. We drove up to Scotland the next day and, for 6 days, were quite lucky with the weather, having some lovely sunny days. We took Zoe to the beach, which she loved, and spent just the right amount of time with my family. We even managed to get dinner out by ourselves, thanks to family babysitters. It was lovely just to relax, away from work, study, everything, for a few days.

Whilst away, the doctor’s surgery called me about my test results, asking me to come back in, which mean something was up. I kind of thought it would be my thyroid and was OK with that, it was what I’d expected all along. However, it wasn’t my thyroid, that, apparently, is fine. My liver function is up. As I’m not a smoker, drug user or heavy drinker (I’m quite dull really), the doc is now checking me for Hep A, B & C, as well as arranging an ultra sound for gallstones. She doesn’t, however, think it’s any of this. She thinks it’s more likely to have been a viral infection that knocked me for six and which I’m probably getting over now. Had more bloods drawn this morning and I’m waiting on an ultrasound appointment. She doesn’t think any of it’s serious though and hasn’t told us to stop trying for baby 2, so I’m trying to forget about it. I still feel tired, some days more than others though. Does make me worry how I’m gonna cope with a second pregnancy and a whirlwind toddler. I was so so tired in the first trimester with Zoe that I could barely work and come home. I can’t imagine having to do any more than that, but I guess I will, just get on with it because it has to be done.

Until there is a next time…


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July 11, 2008

Hope the bloods come back ok. And fingers crossed for a positive test soon! 😉

Aw, I miss it over there. I wish I’d gotten to see more of Scotland, though! On a side note, I’m hoping to get over there next summer (debt be damned!).

ryn: like i said, i’m *hoping* to get over there 🙂 i haven’t been over since 2005 and i miss it like mad!!

July 11, 2008

Fingers crossed all is okay, with both things. And premier league bowls sounds so exciting 😉

July 12, 2008

Hoping all is OK xxx