Up the junction

‘I feel like I’m falling flat to the floor, no one can catch me from falling’ Squeeze – hourglass

We spent the weekend, and the end of last week, at my mum’s, in south west scotland. I can only remember one other time when it was seriously hot in that area and that was so long ago that me and my brother still had wax crayons and they melted all over the back of my gran’s car because it was so hot. OK, this time we didn’t have wax crayons, but I felt like I was melting at times. I couldn’t live in a hot country, I couldn’t cope. There’s no way I could move to East London, South Africa as I would melt from the heat. I am a winter baby so I was rather glad to arrive back in Newcastle last night and be greeted with cooler air and some rain this morning.

We had a great time while we were there though, spending Thursday afternoon on the beach and Friday nosing round the shops. I had no intention of buying anything but ended up with new jeans (charge to my next account, so not really paid for yet) and a new REM book. No-one told me there was a new REM book out. How dare they! 🙂 Anyway, it’s now safely in my hands and begging to be read. It would be rude not to. It will not be one of the very few books I give up to Book Crossing though (www.bookcrossing.com). In fact, despite my registration and initial enthusiasm I think I will be hard pushed to find more than a couple of books to be ‘released’.

One of the points of the weekend at home was to discuss the wedding. I got to show off my ring (not that there seemed much enthusiasm to see it – my mum had to be reminded that I now have it and am wearing it!) and discuss wedding plans. My mum and step-dad have offered to foot the catering bill for the reception, which means I won’t have to spend the week before cooking chicken legs and making sandwiches. It’s a huge help. Obviously we’ve accepted and will be leaving it to them to choose the buffet menu now. It also gives us more money for the wedding.

However amidst the happy news I feel a little sad. Melissa, my oldest and closest friend texted me last week to say she had broken up with her boyfriend of 6 years. She’s very upset but they are staying friends. I haven’t been able to speak to her yet as she went back to Birmingham when we went to Scotland to try and clear her head. It seems he’s already moved out of the house they share. They were one of the couples that I really thought would last. It’s also awkward as we’re all supposed to be going to Leeds festival over the bank holiday weekend. I haven’t seen her for ages and I really hope she doesn’t pull out, although I’d understand if she did.

Until there is a next time…


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August 11, 2003

That’s nice of them to pay for the catering… oh, and yes, there’s a new REM book out 😉

it’s awful when people who’ve been together that long break up..you never think it’ll happen. oh yeah, who’s playing at Leeds?

August 15, 2003

Bookcrossing! I have registered, but also can’t bring myself to release my precious babies into an unfeeling, cruel world. Supposing I leave a book on a park bench but no one picks it up, and it rains? Supposing my book is picked up by someone who doesn’t understand books, who scribbles all over it and rips it up? I know I should trust more. But still.. 😉

August 15, 2003

Incidentally, have we had a description of your ring yet? I will now have to go back and check…

September 25, 2003

oooh I must check my bookcrossing, released a couple of books and noone registered them so now feeling a bit like one of your other note leavers and wondering if my poor babys are ok and not cold and damp and ripped up and forgotten….