Underneath your clothes

‘I’m convinced that there’s just too much pressure to take’ Linkin Park – Crawling

I got an interview for the pgce at Northumbria Uni – and what made it even more like fate is that my given interview date is my birthday (Jan 22nd for those are curious or care enough to send gifts ;p ). But what is frustrating is that I have to turn it down and ask for another one later, in February or early March. Because apparently I need my school experience before I can complete the interview. I would have known this if someone at the uni had taken more than 2 minutes to talk to me, or if my repeated requests for a post-grad prospectus (that doesn’t come out until the end of november and I had to apply by December 15th) had been heeded. So I went from elated to despair in a few lines on Christmas eve. But having spoken to the uni today about rearranging it there appears to be no problem, so fingers crossed. My work placement should be sorted, or almost sorted by the end of the week and if I can just find a college/high school that takes private exam candidates by January 25th everything should be sorted.

Christmas and New Year were quiet, which is just how we wanted them to be. I worked until 1pm on xmas eve and then spent the rest of the day curled up, excited by what my presents were. I got a new phone (but same number), some rem stuff (t-shirt, vinyl and rare cds) as well as ‘Stupid White Men’ by Michael Moore (which is a fantastic book and would be hysterically funny if it wasn’t so damn scarily true) and a history of Blackburn Rovers FC. We spent the day together, without any intrusions, which was heavenly, and the same for boxing day before we both went back to work for one day. For New Year I was working until 5pm on tuesday so I managed to find a bus home and we got take-out before heading to Jesmond to see Mary, Niall, Richard and Lee. It was an ok evening. To be honest I just didn’t want to be there. As much as I love my friends, I just wanted to be alone. It’s the time of year, happens every new year, I get all reflective and nostalgic and bum myself out – but I managed to avoid depressing anyone else, which is always good!

Already this year I have lots to look forward to – my birthday (well as much as I can look forward to getting another year older), our trip to Arran (which is an island off the west coast of scotland for those that asked *cough*shar*cough*), Shar’s trip to the UK – and her promise to come and visit Newcastle, and REM at T in the Park. Most of all I would love to able to jack my crappy job in and go back to uni – but I’ll probably end up staying there part time to get some extra money. And that’s how it should be, looking forward, not back. Right?

Until there is a next time…


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January 6, 2003

I’m pleased you had a good festive period, but surely it’s the history of Blackburn Rovers that should be described as “which is a fantastic book and would be hysterically funny if it wasn’t so damn scarily true”.?!

January 6, 2003


January 7, 2003

Sounds like a nice Christmas and Boxing day as far as presents and getting some time together alone goes. I got told Jesmond was a decent night but there is only three pubs in the main street and only one of those has a variety in music. Never been myself. Good luck with the Uni thing.

well I bet you don’t know your Canadian geography very well either so 😛 I can’t wait to come visit! I’m going to be all over the place, it’s a good thing I’m saving all my money up because i’ll need it for train tickets!