Toys in the attic

I’m having a baby!!!!!

I know what you’re thinking – "Has she finally lost the plot? Of course she’s having a baby, she’s almost 23 weeks pregnant. Not very bright after all really." For the Friends fans amongst you, I refer you to the episode where Ross, Carol & Susan go to their antenatal type class and watch a video of a woman giving birth and Carol freaks out. I feel like that right about now. I know I’m pregnant, I know at the end of it, (about 20ish weeks) we will have a little baby to look after, I just hadn’t really thought about the bit inbetween, getting from one to the other. And now I have thought about it, I’m a little freaked out.

We had our first NCT class last night – private classes in preparation for the birth and afterwards. The NHS ones don’t start till about 35 weeks and could well be during the day which would mean Duncan couldn’t come, so we paid for an eight week course with the NCT. It prepares us both and we get to meet couples in the area also having their first child. I was thankful that it was all seemingly normal couples. We live in an area which seems to have a lot of teenage single mums and I was hoping that they wouldn’t all be at the class last night (not that there’s anything wrong with teenage single mums over the age of consent but when they’re bordering on the age of consent and still smoking 20 a day and aren’t sure who the dad is, I don’t think I’d have much in common with them. I never said I lived in a classy neighbourhood you know.)

Anyway, I hate this type of thing normally. I do not do new group situations well, I get very withdrawn and nervous about the whole thing. It’s just who I am. Once you get to know me, I’m as gobby as the next person but it can take a long time for me to feel comfortable with people to be like that. New situations as a couple is a little easier as Duncan usually does most of the talking but, of course, last night, everyone wanted to know things about me and the pregnancy. I find the whole thing quite nerve-wracking. The class was OK, little bit more group participation than I’m normally comfortable with but there was no hideous on the spot questions that I was expected to answer. The main part of the class was focussing on the basics of labour and that’s when it hit me – I actually have to give birth and I’d bet money it’s not easy like in TV programmes. I bet there’s little to no chance of waking up one morning and discovering I’d given birth in my sleep.

So all that – which nappy, which pushchair, which colour to do the nursery? It all seems slightly less important now. If you want me, I’ll be in the corner breathing into a brown paper bag and trying to calm myself.

Until there is a next time…


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May 24, 2006

nappy = diapers, right? My daughter prefers Pampers for her 6 month old daughter, thinks Luvs and Huggies squeeze her chubby little thighs too much. Pushchair = stroller? Nothing beats the Graco Travel System, where carseat snaps into stroller, into car, very easy. There are so many things for babies nowadays that I didn’t have for mine! Congratulations, and you’ll do fine!

First time in reading your diary… Congratulations on having a baby! Do you know what it is yet?.. Or don’t you want to know?

May 24, 2006

YAY! you’re having a baby. I reckon self delusion is thekey to this. and denial. About any forthcoming pain I mean.

that also reminds me of the friends episode where chandler and monica see that tape of the woman giving birth 🙂 do you know how you’re going to do it yet? ie midwife, drugs etc.

May 24, 2006

At least being in a room with other pregnant women means that you don’t have *all* the attention. Or doesn’t it work like that?! xx

May 24, 2006

Guess what- you are going to be fine 🙂 Women have been doing it for centuries and you are going to be ok hon. but I do understand, I remember clearly when it actually hit me I was going to have to push this thing out of me…I rocked in the corner for days! If I can give you one piece of advice for the birth, don’t discount anything. I was anti any pain relief but gods I am glad I did in the end

May 24, 2006

If I had known how much more comfortable I was going to be I would have taken the offered pain relief much earlier. just do what you have to do to get through *hugs*

May 25, 2006

I don’t think the odds of a sleep-birth would be wonderful, you’re right.. Concentrate and focus on the nappies and pushchairs and decorating instead.. the more you think about the actual birth part, the more it’ll stress you out and the more you’ll worry. xxxxx

June 8, 2006

My friend had her baby last year, and I asked her about the labour, and she said, “Well, it definitely wasn’t fun. But it was definitely worth it. I’d do it all again in a moment.” Seemed like a sensible take on things to me. I don’t think we ever feel ready for the ‘big things’ in life: marrying, moving, becoming a parent, even taking exams. I think they just happen around us, and we make it up..

June 8, 2006

… then we open our eyes and find we’re out the other side. And now other people are asking us for advice! Seriously, I’m sure that all you can do is as much preparation as you feel you need (and not so much you get stressed out) and just trust that when it happens you can deal with each moment one at a time. Whatever happens, time will carry on passing and you’ll get through it!

I saw your note on Alex’s diary and instantly knew you were talking about Bellamy, thus must mean you’re a Rover. And you have an Eels diary title so that was worthy of a note also. Bloody, bloody Bellamy. That’s all the thanks we get for saving him from football obscurity.