
You know, sometimes, I think that if I could go back and change things I would. Not the big things but the little things like befriending someone at work. She lives on the road next to me and when she started I thought it’d be really nice to have some work friends. The friends we have outside of work drive me up the wall at times (one of them appears to be regressing and turning into some weird american tv character. No-one in particular just an amalgamation of lots of bad tv characters. Another’s getting married next month and another is naffing off to France next month to live. We’re all moving on with our lives and I’m not all that convinced that in 2 years time, let alone 10, we’re all gonna be as good friends) I thought it would be nice to have someone in Newcastle that Duncan didn’t already know, someone who was ‘mine’ in someway, like Melissa and Helen are. That making sense so far?

Anyway, I befriended this girl, let’s call her Vicky (which is, after all, her name). She seemed really nice at first. We got on really well, had a bit in common and she had a great sense of humour. Ok, emailing me every 10 minutes was getting a touch annoying as I was trying to complete my training and get a pay rise at the time, but I quite liked the chatting as well. We don’t chat very much in our office, it tends to interfere with everyone else’s work. But in the last couple of months she’s turned into a completely different person. She constantly complains about everything and I mean everything. When she’s not complaining she’s talking about celebrity gossip. She thinks I’m weird because I don’t watch any soaps (except neighbours. I’m not gonna apologise for that, I love neighbours) and I don’t watch programmes like changing rooms or property ladder. She’ll probably ridicule the fact that I won’t watch Big brother at the end of the month. She makes comments about my lunch (I’m not asking her to eat it) and the fact that I always have a book and they’re usually books she’s never heard. (currently reading Cold Mountain) But she doesn’t make fun in a nice, jokey way. She’s downright mean about it at times. I feel like I’m some freakish snob cos I watch Angel and 24 not eastenders and hollyoaks. I’m getting sick of feeling like crap about myself. Why do I let her make me feel like crap about myself? I’m 27 years old and still have insecurity issues? Does Duncan realise he’s marrying a child masquerading as a woman?

I’m going wedding dress shopping alone next weekend. Yes, alone. Mary’s gone to Jersey to surf (apparently she has no money but can afford a surfboard and trip to Jersey but not buy her own brother a wedding present *shakes head*) and Mel is busy. I don’t want to go on my own but there’s no-one else to ask. If this Vicky didn’t have a habit of being so mean I’d have asked her but still. Fingers crossed I’ll find something I like and can afford this time. I found a pic of the dress I loved last time. It’s here:

Second row, third one from the left. I still like it but I’ve seen similar designs for less money so will be trying those on next weekend.

Apologies for the whining entry. I feel crap about work and Duncan’s gone out with Niall for the evening. Just one of those days I guess.

Until there is a next time…


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May 13, 2004

That dress is beautiful. I love wedding dreses in that style, I don’t like the big fussy ones.

May 13, 2004

All these dresses are beautiful but I like the one you picked. Very elegant. It’s funny – we all seem to apologies for whining in our diary entries yet that’s what a diary is for!

Hey, just a random reader. About your friend; I have a friend that is very different from me. But, when we met, we both were stuck in the same situation, and acted the same way, sharing common ideals. Now that we know eachother, we realize we are very different. In a way though, it’s almost ying and yang. Somehow though, we find ourselves facing eachother on different sides of a foggy field

May 13, 2004

apologies? Try apologise – haven’t had my tea yet!

May 13, 2004

You’re twice the person she seems to be. Be happy that you’re not her 🙂

May 13, 2004

Pah whine away, your diary sweetness *hugs* But seriously I would maybe have a word to Vicky and ask her if something is wrong as she seems to have changed a bit in the last few months, if nothing else it comes across as caring and it brings her behaviour to her attention. I had a thought about the wedding dress…c

May 13, 2004

c…have you looked into having the dress made for you? Would it be cheaper than buying it? A good dress maker should be able to make something like it or very similar and maybe it would work out cheaper. If you love the dress hon it is worth looking into :)) Wish i was there, I wold go dress shopping with you in a flash! Hugs n love!!

Random reader…found your entry through another diary. It’s a beautiful dress 🙂 Don’t let your coworker get to you. I know people like that. They are most definitely not worth your time.

oooh i love the dress!! and vicky sounds like a pain. ugh. *HUG*