Tomorrow never knows

‘thinks it makes him some kind of new God, well this is one race he won’t win’ Prefab Sprout – Cars and Girls

Did absolutely nothing all day at work yesterday, I got told at 9:30 that I could leave at 3pm, purely because they had nothing for me to do. If you think about it, that’s quite terrible, but also worrying. Fingers crossed I will get this other job, especially as there may not even be a job here in a few months at this rate. Spent yesterday evening working on my interview stuff. It’s nearly finished, just have to do two more things today. Tried doing some research on the net, but it was slower than ever. I know I don’t have an especially quick connection, but still, it was like that at work as well, seems that the whole thing is slowly grinding to a halt. Ironically, today I will be discussing my contract with Sarah. Yes, our company is that terrible that I have been here almost 12 months and have still received no proper contract. It is because we had a company name change & various other corporate things happen in the last year, but still, it’s not really an excuse is it?

Neither of us could sleep last night. We lay awake for an hour or so, talking about the state of the world. To be honest it turned quite morbid, both of us wondering how much longer it would be before Bush dragged into something that he will come to regret. I suppose we can only hope that the Taliban might change their mind & hand him over. But as Bush has promised to root out all terrorists, I somehow doubt that will stop him. In fact having just read the alleged proposed terms for his handover, I can see Bush, as America have done before, telling them to stick it & bombing them anyway. Now there’s a mature decision (and that is sarcasm btw).

The more I am forced to watch the news (and yes I am forced, I work in a newsroom, I’ve attempted to change the channel, only to have it changed back pretty sharpish), the more the whole thing saddens me. The latest thing (aside from the whole ‘give him to us or we will bomb you’) are the disgusting attacks on muslims in America and various other western world countries. I read this weekend of an Afghan cab driver who’d been in the UK for over thirty years. He was attacked on Sunday night & so badly injured that he is paralysed from the neck down. Is this what you want? Some people, it seems simply can’t wait to sign up & go and ‘kick some innocent Afghan butt’, they feel they must attack anyone who is different from them. This is what it comes down to, differences. In my humanitarian, utopia differences wouldn’t matter. Here though, they threaten to destroy us all.

Until there is a next time…


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Thanks for your note sweetie. It’s really hard being peaceful about all of this ugliness, but we must set an example (I’d REALLY want to turn that television off too.) Ugh. Much love,

September 18, 2001

I have the tv off now and only watch the 6 o’clock news – I am at the stage where I am starting to wonder why bother wih anything cause we will all be at war soon – and thats no a healthy state of mind. We have the same thing happening here too with ppl from the middle east being attacked and muslim churches being defaced – it is so sad and makes me so ashamed to call myself and aussie take car

September 18, 2001

grrr take care even LOL and a whole seperate note just for the hugs *HUGSHUGSHUGSHUGSHUGSHUGSHUGSHUGS* ok u get the idea LOL oh btw Just got that Joke you emailed – ROFLMAO…very funny…loved it!!!!

It’s a difficult and scary time. I sincerely hope that America doesn’t do anything stupid- after all- I thought that Bush was condemning the murder of innocent civilians?

its horrible how innocent arab people are being treated – i’ve read stuff about them being pushed off buses and whatnot too (which isn’t nearly as bad as being paralyzed, but still). People are sick.

I’m with you on the fears…we’re standing on the edge of a pretty big abyss and all promising to follow Dubya at various speeds when he jumps in

Looks like there could be a major refugee crisis as well… About parenting issues – how about the dangers of vegan diets for babies? Been in the papers, anyway. Good luck with the interview!

The entire world has gone mad. The only solution is to go out and get verh, verh drunk. Good luck tomorrow (or today for you, but now I’m being picky)