This picture

These are just a few to keep you all going. I could paste them straight in here, but I can’t be bothered with the hassle. I fell over on my way to work this morning and smacked my back and head on the pavement. I want to go home and sleep but apparently you shouldn’t do that with possible concussion. So I’m here, at work, for the time being at least.

Until there is a next time…


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May 24, 2005

Oh hon – youo both look fantastic. Your dress is beautiful and you look radient! What fantastic memories you are going to have. I can’t wait to see more! *many hugs*

May 24, 2005

They’re fantastic photos 🙂 And yes, Duncan is a little sunburnt isn’t he?! That helps to prove that you were in the Seychelles and not in front of a backdrop in Gateshead xx

May 24, 2005

They are fantastic. I love the one of you coming towards Duncan because I can almost feel the expectation! I’m so happy for you both. Congrats. Again! And take care of that head

ryn: i had a wonderful time! thank you again 😀 p.s. hows your first day back at work?