This charming man

‘I’m asking him to make a change’ Michael Jackson – Man in the mirror

I have to say I like this colour combination much better. Mind you, it’ll probably look different at work. I discovered the first purple I used looked darker on the home pc than it did at work. Weird.

Since the middle of June I’ve become some strange person, not quite myself. I think it’s bride fever or something. Since we set the date I’ve become concerned about how I look and, more to the point, that maybe I should go on some kind of healthy eating kick and starting exercising more often. Let’s get this straight, I’m not huge, I’m a size 16 – which is the same size Marilyn Monroe apparently was and everyone thought she was sex personified. Plus I’m not junk food crazy. I can’t stand McDonalds, Burger King or Fried Chicken places. The thought of that food makes my stomach turn in a very unpleasant way. We eat relatively healthy – make meals every night and rarely resort to take away or ready meals. I also walk to work – 35 minutes each day and will now be walking home each day as well (cos Metro are introducing more ticket inspectors and I balk at £1 for two stops on the metro and I have no intention of landing myself a £10 fine). But this hasn’t stopped me bringing home videos from work and taping the aerobics shows on sky sports. (A perk of my job is getting as many videos of shows we do as I want – you just have to be damn quick as only 2 copies exist – but no-one ever wants the aerobics ones!) I now have a wide range of 20 minute aerobics programmes I could watch as well as my yoga video. I just don’t have the inclination.

It’s not a motivation thing. I am motivated enough to know that I want to be thinner, trimmer, in better shape by the time I walk down that aisle (or whatever, it’s in a garden) and I know that I want to look better in my photographs. These will be the memories of our day that last and that everyone will want to see. I don’t want to look fat in them.

But why is it that as soon as the ring was on the finger (or, more precisely, ordered) I suddenly felt the need to do this? Is it something in the air as soon as you become engaged that you must try and lose some weight and look better? Or is it the thought that I hate myself in photos and don’t want that image being passed around friends and family for years to come?

I’ve always had an up-down relationship with my body. I was fine until about 18, I didn’t care too much, I knew I was in relatively OK shape. But then the weight piled on quickly and eventually I was diagnosed with pcos. Which is something convenient to hide behind – “Oh, it’s not worth dieting, my hormones are so messed up anyway the weight won’t shift and I’ll just be hungry.” It’s not that I didn’t try, it’s just that I gave up to quickly. I didn’t get instant results and I gave up. I have no willpower. Which is maybe why I feel that I need just under two years to attempt to lose some weight and look better.

So what I should be doing now is yoga and pilates and not sitting here complaining to you, right? Well, maybe in an hour or so….

Until there is a next time…


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July 27, 2003

I found the same thing with my diary colours when I logged on at work -they were ghastly! These are nice – I like them. I think the weight thing is as you say – wanting to look the radiant bride for the special day & the photos which will be looked at for years & radiant in our society means ‘lose weight’. If you have 2 years to do it in my guess is you’ll put in a spurt in the last few weeks!

i still think it should be a darker purple so nyah. Ugh I wish I was a UK size 16 (which is a size 12 here). Maybe one day…

July 28, 2003

If you go on a healthy eating/exercise thing that it might shame me into going on one too. I’m not sure whether I’m suggesting that you do or you don’t in this note!

July 28, 2003

RYN: No we’re with Tiscali. Funnily enough we were originally with BT & although we had teething problems at the start, we had none latterly.

colours look good.

August 5, 2003

RYN: I’m still opkay for next month at the mo, although as we’re going away before then I can’t be 100% sure as to whether Mog is having the kids or not. Will let you know as soon as I know!

August 5, 2003

I completely understand the body thing. I am like Marilyn Monroe too.

September 25, 2003

mmmm well I kow all about the health kick thing, but mine comes from being in love and not wanting to die due to a bad heart or something cause I want as long as possible with my man…so have given up the fags and am now on week three of a very strict diet – low carb diets rock!!!