The strangest party (these are the times)

‘If I ran away, I’d never have the strength, to go very far’ Madonna – Live to tell

Yesterday went well. Duncan’s loan was approved over the phone & now we just have to wait for the paperwork to come through. Hopefully he’ll be able to start the course next month & fingers crossed, this time next year he shall be in some high paying job well away from the evilness of BT. I’m also watching this new downward turn in the housing market carefully. Hopefully (for us anyway) it will continue for a while longer yet so that we can look to buy somewhere in the near future. The current plan is to stay in our current place until we find somewhere we like and arrange a mortgage. How grown up and scary!

But I had a look through the loan info and was quite interested. The Government has a shocking way of ‘promoting’ things that may actually be useful to the public. If I can save up the £700 odd I’d need as a deposit, I should be able to apply for one of these loans to do the journalism course at a later date. So maybe it’s not a cancellation of the dream, more a postponement.

Am back in work this morning, catching the train again. I really should remember that Bill Bryson books on trains ultimately embarrasses me. I started reading ‘A walk in the woods’ this morning and had to stifle my giggles many times. Luckily it was a relatively empty train.

I have a busy few days ahead. I have to clean the flat from top to bottom over the weekend in preparation for the visit from the family on Tuesday. Hopefully the bathroom light switch will be fixed this afternoon. It’s very annoying having to shower in relative darkness, lighted by the kitchen light & a bedside light on the floor by the door. How Duncan has managed to shave everyday I’ll never know! We also have plans to go out tomorrow night. Neo turns 25 on Sunday, despite the fact that he keeps trying hope that Sunday won’t arrive, it will, and he will be older. So in celebration/commiseration we are off out in Jesmond for a number of drinks – a small number mind as we are all desperately broke, but drinks nonetheless. Sunday I intend to relax slightly, but will probably end up shopping, cleaning and tidying. And you can guarantee that by Tuesday afternoon it will all need doing again!

Until there is a next time…


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25? Bloody Ancient. And we can’t have our glorious leaders promoting useful things, otherwise everyone would do it and the government would have to … gasp … spend more money! And have an intelligent population that would … gasp … question their wisdom! Can’t have that, now, can we?

Hi sweetie. Have a great weekend! Love,

October 26, 2001

ooh neo turns 25??? *eg* will have to send him a card *g* and a mortgage?? Are you mad woman?? LOL – sounding more and more grown up by the minute! Who said u were allowed to do that *g* just kidding:) I am just so pleased that u and duncan are still going from strength to strength – it gives me hope:) And congrats to duncan on the loan approval:) *hugs* and take care – have a safe weekend

It all sounds so domestic and scary…*shudder* 😉

i’m happy to hear the loan came through for Duncan. it’ll just be a matter of time before you’re living in the lap of luxury. :o) i will be thinking of you as i’m vaccuming tomorrow. ;o)

Postponement! Woo-hoo…. Have a good weekend my friend 🙂

October 30, 2001

Postponements are always good 🙂 And that’s why I don’t agree with cleaning. You spend hours and hours, cleaning the house from top to bottom – and a few days later, it all needs doing again! So speaks the student..