The intense humming of evil

‘so can you hear it, the fake sound of progress’ LostProphets – Fake sound of progress

Work has been chaotic at the moment. We’ve had all these changes and no-one seems to know their arse from their elbow. We are understaffed, underpaid and seriously overworked. God, I need to get out of that place.

I’ve been quietly watching the world go by in the last few days, watching the news and deciding that a small, independent island would probably be the best bet right now. Of course, within two weeks, I’d probably be declared a terrorist by Bush/Blair, but at least I’d have those two weeks of ignorant bliss. I’m so sick of watching the news and finding myself depressed by the end of it. I noticed the Afghan earthquake story was suitably buried somewhere beneath the further bombing of the country, like the place hasn’t suffered enough for crying out loud.

But one conclusion I have come to is that people think about the most inane things. The letters page of the Metro (free rag/newspaper printed by the company I used to work for) is full of letters attempting to either determine whether the creme eggs have shrunk in recent years (apparently someone can now only get 2 in his mouth at once when he used to get 3 in there) or whether the youth of today would be a whole lot better if they all wore hats. I mean, is this supposed to be the intellectual crowd?

But, and not to sound about 70 or anything, the youth of today need a damn good kicking. I swear, every story troubles me these days. Why would anyone want to bring up children in a world that is a) grossly overpopulated, b) fighting over religion in so many different places and ways, c) full of pure hatred in many other places and d) run by crazy fools? I know I want kids, but really, how can I inflict this world upon them? It doesn’t seem right in any way, shape or form. Everytime I read about how more 12 years have lost their virginity or how just about every teen has tried drugs at some point (and do so on a regular basis), the more worried I get that my sisters are growing up in some royally f*cked up place. And you know what makes it worse? I can’t seem to see any kind of solution to this. Aside from the hatred, racial tension, wars, etc, there is the appalling state of the environment and no-one seems to be doing a damn thing to stop it. It’s all very well sending something into space to moniter the destruction of the ozone layer. I’m sure that makes many governments feel a whole lot better about it, like they are actually doing something good.

Every day that small island looks more and more inviting.

Until there is a next time…


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I still like it here. It still seems a lot better than most of the other “main” countries around the world. Although Latvia still appeals! And to provide a comprehensive answer, yes, Creme Eggs have got smaller. I won’t explain how I know, but they have. Just take my word for it.

I get depressed when I watch ER!. I’d prolly get more depressed from the news. In order for me to get out of here, is a j-o-b. Rather than sitting at home making my ass bigger, I’m out making money.

March 6, 2002

Afghan earthquake? Bombs? Israel/Palestine? Whatyoutalkingabout? Don’t worry move to the US and then you too can live in a comfortable vacuum entirely unaware of what is going on in the world around you… *smile*

well, you could always move to canada 😛

March 6, 2002

That small island sounds like a good idea. I worry too about the world I’ve brought my kids into, and the idea of them turning into teenagers terifies me.

March 6, 2002

I know how that feels to be underpaid and being wrked to much, i go through it everyday and the worrst part is it will get worsse later don the road..

I love small islands…I want to the survivor but would probably get voted off asap lol

March 7, 2002


March 7, 2002

“People aren’t wearing enough hats” (from ‘Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life’)