The dreams of children

‘We’re running in circles again’ Sum 41 – In too deep

I watched the Blackburn match last night. What a waste of flipping time. Damn good job I wasn’t paying £8 for it otherwise I think I’d have demanded my money back. We were lucky not to lose.

My sisters arrive this afternoon for the night, should be interesting. My mum & step dad are going to see Roxy Music at the Telewest, so we are babysitting the girls. I spent most of yesterday tidying and cleaning and somehow the kitchen still looks like a bomb exploded in there. Somehow between 4pm yesterday afternoon and this morning we managed to use just about every plate & bowl in the house. I have no idea how, as we had soup for dinner, but it’s just one of those mysteries I guess.

I’m looking forward to seeing them again. Last time they were all so ill, so I’m hoping that this time they’ll be more active & get to know Duncan some more as well. They already have a nickname for him – John Smith, based on the cartoon character of the same name in the Pocahontas Disney video, apparently Duncan looks just like him!

I was forced to listen to the uninformed views of some stupid teenage girl today on the train to work. She seems to think that we should just destroy all the Afghan people because (and this is a direct quote) “they are a third world country & they aren’t civilised” I have no idea how I managed to refrain from turning round & strangling her whilst muttering “well, you have no brain, you deserve to die.” The lads she was with tried to point out that that was the same as saying we should kill all Irish cos of the IRA, but according to her, that’s racist. The imbecility of people in this country troubles me more everyday.

I couldn’t find a dealer to take the car. Surprise, surprise. Turns out they all have an age limit on the cars they’ll take & mine is too old. So the best I can hope for now is to tax it, get it fixed (when I have the money) and sell it privately. I don’t expect to get much for it, just something would be nice.

Until there is a next time…


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The attitude of so many people about this “war” makes me mad too. Mog says we should nuke the lot of them because “they’re Pakis, ain’t they?” Oh yes, I never mentioned that he is a raging bigot as well as a psycho. Been listening to numerous Muslim youths on the radio wanting to go and fight for the Taliban,who are “the true face of Islam”. Let them go if that’s the way they feel…

Oh, that was me by the way … fogot I wasn’t signed in! And you’ve been tidying the house before the kids arrive? Waste of time, mate… 🙂 *sapphire*

October 30, 2001

ugh. uninformed opinionated people spouting stupidity angers me. i hate people like that. i can totally sympathize with you wanting to strangle her. i would have…

October 30, 2001

Ah, the intelligence of some people never ceases to amaze me. And good luck with the car stuff..

Can’t you drive it down to Canary Wharf and run it into the back of the big bosses’ Daimler/Rolls/Ferrari?

..or get some incredibly dodgy pal to set it on fire!

It’s amazing how many people like that are out there, walking around, and horror of horrors teaching younger people to think like that. When will it all end?

or you could do like moe did on the simpsons and get someone to steal it and get it run over by a train so that you can claim the insurance money 🙂