The bitch song

‘Was it everything you wanted to find’ Train – Drops of Jupiter

I’m currently sat, typing away, in the quietness of our spare room. And it finally is our spare room, as Andrew signed his contract and is probably right now sorting out his few belongings in his studio apartment in Wallsend. It is blissful to have the flat back to myself (Duncan is currently working a 2pm-10pm shift – he was scheduled to do 3-11, but BT have to give six weeks notice for a shift like that as it’s unsociable hours – they gave us two days notice about this shift. It’s apparently that hour that makes the difference between sociable and unsociable. Who can explain that one?!) and I can now wander round in just a t-shirt again and not worry that Andrew might turn up at any moment. Heavenly.

After two months of living with us and contributing nothing but one week’s worth of groceries, something must have tugged at his conscience, as this morning he went out and bought us a present to say thanks. He arrived back from town with a new DVD player. Yes, I was shocked too. It’s your basic, plays dvds and cds, player – but it’s still something that me and Duncan weren’t expecting and you could have knocked me for six when he said it was ours. I felt like such a bitch for complaining about him for the last two months.

Other than that, life has carried away, drifting by and taking me with it. The freelance people finally had the nerve to write back and say thanks, but no thanks, but why don’t you apply again in six weeks time. I have my suspicions that they basically hired everyone from London, but maybe the fact that I had done the job before just wasn’t good enough for these people. I have applications in around Newcastle for data entry/admin type roles. Basically I need something that pays more than where i am now, something that actually leaves me with money at the end of the month – even if it is only an extra £20. Mind you I got a pay rise and back-dated pay this morning, I think my pay should have gone up by around 15p an hour in June, so they’ve finally figured it out. They also paid me properly for all the hours I put in last week (46 1/2) which is a first. I wouldn’t mind this job if I got significantly more, the people are mostly great and it’s hardly taxing, but at the same time I feel like my mind is going soft and I’m stagnating. Nothing much I can do except continue to plug away with the applications I guess.

We kicked ass down at the Citizen’s Advice Bureau last Monday. For six months we’ve waited for our crappy landlord/agency to fix our heater and it’s getting colder each day round here, so we went and spoke to the CAB who phoned the agency and told them in no uncertain terms that it had to be sorted asap or further action would be taken. I now have a tentative appointment for thursday/friday next week, so fingers crossed! Duncan’s worried that this will reflect badly on us when the contract comes up next July, but I doubt it. We’re not causing trouble, just wanting what we deserve.

I’m not quite sure what to do with the rest of my day. I’ve cleaned most of the flat (still working up to the bombsite that is our bedroom) and there’s naff all on tv other than bloody golf. Can anyone explain that game to me? You hit a ball, find it and hit it again. Waste of time if you ask me!

Until there is a next time…


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A band called Bowling for Soup has a song called “Bitch Song.” If you like corporate punk, check it out.

Bowling for Soup *shudder* Damn. I’ve forgotten what I was going to say now.

September 28, 2002

Yay! Glad you’ve finally got ypour house back – and don’t feel guilty for bitching, he deserved it, and obviously has a guilty donscience now! BTW< I think I'm getting old – been watching the golf today and *shudder* enjoying it!

September 28, 2002

No, the bitching was a good thing. If you hadn’t have bitched at him, he wouldn’t have bought you the DVD player at all!

I had someone come through my cash today with a DVD and VCR in one! What a cool idea. I was quite impressed, as I didn’t know they existed! Thank goodness Andrew is finally gone though!

September 28, 2002

Great to have your flat back – & a new DVD – the guy has a conscience! I would just stay online if I were you – no need to tax yourself too much on your first day of freedom!

October 2, 2002

oooh when did u change this so I could leave notes??? before I had to be with OD – but now it lets us poorly FODers leave notes too YAY! Well I am glad Andrew has finally gone – yes I have been reading:) I am house sitting this weekend so I get a house all to myself – YAY!! *hugs* we need to catch up on icq one day!!!

October 5, 2002

The DVD player, to be honest, is NO LESS THAN YOU DESERVE! and I am delighted to hear that he’s finally moved out.