Tainted obligation

‘It’s too bad the world is based on greed’ Papa Roach – Between Angels and Insects

I made some crazy decision at the end of last month that really I should attempt to lose a bit of weight before we head off to South Africa for three weeks. I say cray decision, cos I have severe trouble sticking to diets. The one time that I did, last year for a month, was a complete waste of time as I somehow ended up putting weight on. Go figure. So this time I decided instead of attempting some crazy fad diet I’d take kelp tablets instead. The problem with having polycystic ovaries is that it’s your hormones that are screwed up hence the weight gain (so I’ve read anyway). My plan is to boost an already slow thyroid gland by feeding it the secret ingridient of kelp. Then I remember that last time I did this, I stopped because, quite frankly, the tablets taste foul. But I really need new clothes for my holiday and it would be nice if they actually fit properly. Why the hell I feel the need to conform to some ideal created by media I’ll never know, but we’ll see. I’m making no promises on this one.

Duncan’s been stuck on new Saturday shifts which means that tomorrow he won’t be home until 9:30pm (and how typical is it that OD goes offline tomorrow when I have all day to myself? Not that I’m complaining, you never know they might actually do something useful during that time. Mind you, after the last two emails I sent them, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if my diary accidentally disappeared – maybe I should finish downloading it).

Not really looking forward to the new job on Monday. I hate starting new jobs, although you’d think I’d be used to it by now, I’ve had so many of the damn things. But it’s that whole getting to know people thing. I don’t do that very well. They’ll probably think I’m stuck up or something because I’ll just sit quietly and get on with my work. To be honest I have no idea what I’m even expected to do on Monday – there were about three different positions mentioned to me when I joined the agency. I’m assuming it’s the data entry one, although the other two (which were slightly more personnel based) would probably be better and hold the prospect of permanent work. Right now, any permanent work that pays what I was on in Middlesbrough, is acceptable. I just want some stability in my life again and to stop feeling so completely stressed out about money and lack of it. Would be nice eh?

Until there is a next time…


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I stopped emailing the DM in about 1999 I think. Stability?? Where’s the excitement in that? 😉 *hugs*

Good luck on Monday, hope it all goes okay. And at least with temping you don’t have to give any notice if something better comes up – which it will. Hadn’t occurred to me that this OD rejog might go horribly wrong – better download tinight just in case! Glad you are sticking around. And let me know how the kelp goes – I could do with some assistance with the diet too!

I had decided to just stop eating so much fast food and hopefully that would help get rid of some of the 25 lbs I’d gained over the past year or so (no I’m not kidding but I wish I was!). I caved yesterday though and ate out twice 😛 I’m very bad. Hopefully it goes better for you than it has been for me!!!

Best of luck on Monday – I’ll be keeping my fingers, toes, legs and eyes crossed for you – can’t wait to hear how you get on! I’m also going on a diet, but keep putting it off so I’ve made a promise to myself that I’m starting on Monday – my track record isn’t the best though! *hugs*

I hope today is going well. *keeping fingers crossed*