Supernatural, superserious

So, what have we learnt from last time? Fertility Friend is not infallible and was actually entirely wrong about my ovulation date last month. Hence, no bun at this time, and, let’s be honest, a small sigh of relief all round. There’s a reason we’re waiting another few months.

The title of this entry, in case you’re head scratching over it, is the new REM single, out soon. I’m very excited about their forthcoming tour and can’t wait for the UK dates to be announced so I can get tickets and then figure out how to get to the venue, as they don’t play Newcastle. I’m gutted I can’t go to the charity gig in March but still.

I’ve slacked off on the studying of late, doing more researchy things. I had a debrief of my birth, parenting and being parented experience at the end of January, with the lady who ran our antenatal classes. It was emotional, bringing up a lot of my PND stuff and my parents’ divorce and discussing how to write about it. I think writing about PND will be easier than writing about my parents’ divorce in some ways. I have to add all kinds of researchy things into it though and I’m dreading coming across articles and books saying how having PND affects your child’s… whatever, because I’d hate to think that Zoe could be affected by those first few months. She certainly doesn’t seem to be at the moment.

Zoe started walking last weekend, finally! She’s been cruising for ages and done a bit of walking – two or three steps – between me and Duncan, but nothing like last Saturday where she just struck out across the living room. She got halfway, stopped, realising she wasn’t holding onto anything, had a slight wobble and then carried on. She probably wondered why her parents were grinning like loons at her! She’s still crawling and cruising a fair bit but loving the walking as well. She doesn’t seem wobbly like I expected, just confident about it all. She can also say no, which is both funny and not. She’ll shake her head and say, "no, no, no" if you try and give her something she doesn’t want (like a toy over the remote control).  She’s definitely becoming more independent and knowing her own mind. My baby’s growing up!

What I am very excited about (weirdly so, some might say) is my mum coming over tonight, so that me and Duncan can have our first night out together since his birthday last March, that’s right, almost 12 months ago. We’re off to a fancy restaurant in Tynemouth, ostensibly as a delayed birthday treat for me, but also to celebrate Duncan’s birthday and the anniversary of when we started dating (I use the word dating loosely here), which is next weekend. I just hope they have good desserts without chocolate as some insane part of me decided to give up chocolate for Lent. I don’t know why, I’m not religious at all, but it seemed like a good idea to kick start some weight loss. So, 10 days on, it’s a little depressing to note I’ve stopped eating chocolate and not lost a single pound. 🙁 I thought seeing some results would spur me on to completing the challenge I’d set for myself but sometimes I’m wondering why I bother.

Until there is a next time…


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i must admit; i was head scratching.

oh,thank god for grandparents, huh?

she’s walking!! that’s so exciting!! 😀 and how typical is it that her first word is “no”..hahahaha.

February 15, 2008

Hah, now the fun REALLY starts now Zoe is walking and talking!!!! Can we see some recent pics?