Summer turns to high

‘life’s not fair’ Papa Roach – She loves me not

Is it me or do Papa Roach do a very nice line of teen angst considering they are probably around the same age as me. I swear, if I was 15 now, I would be convinced that this group know *everything* about me. Which just goes to show what kind of a teenager I was.

I feel like crap. Having spent a good part of the weekend throwing up, I now feel achy, and not at all great. I have no idea what is wrong, although someone (Duncan) thought it amusing to suggest morning sickness. Should have seen his face when I replied that, yeah maybe. Hehehehe, sick I may be, but the evil streak is still active. Anyway, I did about five hours at work today before coming home, not that I was busy at work, about half the time there was spent twiddling my thumbs and making sure my fingernails were clean. Hopefully a job will come up soon. Not only did I apply for the administrator position (which closed today), but I also put in a slightly longshot application for a job in the internal publications department of the council. Add to that a cv off to some small company looking for a business writer/researcher (which I’m sure I’ve applied for before, although it may have been a different company) and you have the sum total of publishing/media related jobs in Newcastle. And what we said about leaving and heading out of this town? Scratch it, as today we signed another twelve month contract on the flat. As much as we do, at some point, want to leave Newcastle, neither of us can face the thought of packing up and moving again.

What have I done since last writing? Watched football. And worked occasionally. But pretty much watched football. I saw England stuff Denmark on Saturday in the pub (suggested as the source of my illness, but really – a three day hangover from four pints? I think not, I have not turned into that much of a lightweight) and am off work on Friday morning to hopefully see us through to the semi finals. Brazil, I’m not so sure about. On paper, yeah, they’ll beat us, but they’ve resorted to shocking cheating tactics and didn’t look all that impressive today, so fingers crossed.

Me & Duncan took the final step of moving in and becoming a couple this week. I know, we’ve been living together for a year now, but until last week, we had seperate cd collections. But after months of finding his cds all over the floor (he kept them in a couple of cardboard boxes) I went out and sorted us a nice new cd rack and spent 45 minutes being anal on wednesday night and sorting them alphabetically. Yes, that’s me… alphabetical cd collection and all. So now we are officially all couply and planning on staying together for a very long time. Not that we’d argue over the cd collection should anything happen. No, he can keep his Megadeth, Slayer, Iron Maiden and Metallica cds, just as I’m sure I can keep the REM, beautiful south and george michael ones.

Until there is a next time…


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June 17, 2002

Aah, the joys of joint cd collections! Mog was certainly welcome to keep Michael Bolton and Bros! Hope you feel better soon *hug*

Who gets the Alice Cooper one, though?

June 17, 2002

*hugs* Alphabeticised CDs *shakes head and worries*

you mean there’s another way to sort them other than alphabatizing them?!

June 19, 2002

Of course there’s another way than Alphabetic. Though I’d like to see anyone try and figure out my CD filing system… *evil cackle*

June 19, 2002

oooh what a step! are you sure your relationship is ready for a joint CD collection?!!