Still waiting

‘It ain’t eay growing up in world war three’ Pink – Family Portrait

It seems so long since I was last here, probably because it was. I no longer feel the inclination to come here every day to write inane thoughts and see what is happening with everyone else. It’s not that I don’t need this place anymore, I guess it’s just that I don’t need it as much any more.

Christmas/Yule is on the way. We put the Christmas tree up this morning, something I have loved doing since I was younger. It looks pretty damn good, even if I do say so myself, although I still don’t feel especially christmassy yet. We’ve bought most of the presents – I still have my sisters and Duncan to buy for and a couple of bits for friends, but at least I know what i am getting, so the shopping trip to town on Thursday night shouldn’t be too hellish. Duncan, apparently, only has presents for me left to buy. We are sickeningly organised. We have also arranged a trip to Scotland for four days from December 12th to see the family. I think from then on it will really feel like Christmas.

I’ve been so busy the last couple of weeks. I got my a-level stuff sent through, along with a list of deadlines for assignments. Apparently the deadlines aren’t set in stone, but looking at them, if I miss one, I risk not completing the first half in time for the exams in May/June next year. Of course they don’t take into account things like Christmas, so I’m working my butt off to get a few days ahead of myself so I can squeeze it all in. The first two lessons were supposed to be a revision of GCSE stuff, but I’m quite sure that I didn’t do some of that stuff at gcse. Now I’m on to things like logarithms (which I understand), factor and remainder theorems and have things like trignometry and functions to look forward to. Why am I doing this again?

As for the teaching course application, things are looking up. Caroline finally completed my reference and I sent the form (and the £12 they charge you to post it on to your chosen university – which seems a bit steep when I could just pop into town and drop it in!) on Saturday, so fingers crossed. Plus, after two rejection letters from schools I came up trumps on Thursday/Friday when a teacher from a local middle school called to tell me that, assuming I pass the police clearance thing, I can do two weeks placement there in the spring term, spending the whole two weeks with a class of kids aged 7-10 (depending on the class I get put with), so it looks like there should, in theory, be nothing stopping me getting on the course to start in September next year. I have all but given up looking for a new job, I need something that is going to be flexible enough to allow me time off for work placement, uni interviews, etc, and allow me to go back and work part time, which Accuread will. So it’s grin and bear it there for now. I have even agreed to take on someone else’s saturday shifts after christmas, as I so desperately need the money. A year after the redundancy and I am down to my last few hundred of the money I got.

But enough about me, how are you?

Until there is a next time…


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December 1, 2002

Crikey! Tree up? Already? *worries* ;)I’m so pleased everything else is going well.

December 1, 2002

Well I’m glad things are coming together – what part of Scotland are you coming up to? (Don’t panic – I’m not suggesting getting together I’m just curious!).

December 1, 2002

Frighteningly organised!! Glad things are going well … good luck with the application!

December 4, 2002

Excellent news about the teaching placement!! I did one a few weeks back and it was marvelous. This was secondary though. I am really pleased for you!! Perhaps we will be teachers at teh same time!

ugh I hate math. I can’t understand why you’d want to go through all that again! 😛 heheh well yes I do. This is the first year I won’t have a real tree. I hate fake trees. Bah.