Step by step

I know what you’re thinking, 2 entries in a week? Is perfect-circle sick? Depressed? Is everything OK?

Well, I’ll have you know I’m feeling nostalgic. Two things have brought this on. First, reading over the DM’s entries about the start of this wonderful site. It made me remember the me I was when I first wrote an entry here (16th March 2000). Which made me want to read some of my old entries. Which made me wonder what happened to the people I used to know on here. Of the first 2 entries, there are 9 signed notes. Only one of those people still writes today. Where did all the other ones go? I feel sad that I don’t know what they’re doing now. Some of them I’d spend hours chatting to on icq (whilst allegedly working). I hope they are OK now.

My other nostalgia is for my teenage years, specifically the young innocent ones of 11/12/13. I’m currently subtitling Behind The Music New Kids On The Block and trying to decide if it would be entirely too sad to go and see them on their latest tour early next year. I kind of want to. I think for one evening only I should be allowed to be a child again, instead of always being the grown up (which is a whole other rant). I should get to sing Hangin’ Tough and Step By Step. (Oh, and I still find Jordan Knight attractive. Is that good or bad?) But, on the other hand, watching grown women scream like teenagers in New York seems faintly… what’s the word? Tragic. I’d probably have to go on my own as well, but I’m not sure if that’s worse (having no friends) or better (at least no-one I know will witness me making a tit of myself, should I break down and scream like a 12 year old).

So there you go, my head at the moment, a fondness for times past.

Until there is a next time…


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October 24, 2008

I never got NKOTB. Mind you I never liked Take That either – but love them now!

ryn: you’ve been here 8 1/2 years, silly girl 🙂 okay, i’ll read the entry now 😛

I’d go with you!! I totally would. You & me in NYC would kick so much ass 😀

October 24, 2008

I’m the same.. I can’t decide if I want to go see New Kids again or if they should just be left in the past. I know it wouldn’t be the same, but, but, but I never got to see them first time round..! xxxxx

October 24, 2008

Hehehe yeah I went and had a look back too and wondered where everyone went, including time…where did that go??? Hard to believe I have been writing here for over 8 years now…

October 28, 2008

I remember talking to you on ICQ when I was still in Lincolnshire and you were still in London. I remember at one point you couldn’t see out of a window from where you desk was, so the only way to see what the weather was like was to look on a London webcam.

October 31, 2008

RYN: Thanks for your note, I know he will ‘wake up’ more anytime soon heh. At the moment he is awake 1.5hrs to 2 hrs at a time and that’s his limit. He does like his naps though, it must have been a blip because he had 2.5 hrs this morning and is working on 3+ hrs this afternoon. Don’t hit me 😉

November 8, 2008

RYN again (heh): We are going to get the scan and then probably give it a month or two as we’ve bought a sleep curve mattress that should take the pressure off and allow his head to start reshaping. Since he’s so young we still have time to wait and see I think. The photos aren’t Venture, just a similar style at a vastly reduced cost! We only paid £200 and have 10 7×5 prints, one 10×8 andhave paid for a watch me grow package aswell in that price so we’ll get pictures 2 more times as he grows and they get mounted on a triple canvas 😀