Star people

‘You have your very own number’ Manic Street Preachers – Small black flowers that grow in the sky

I have most definitely come back down to earth with a bump since our return from sunnier shores (which could be just about anywhere, given the almost constant rain in Newcastle at the moment). The four day weekend was all well and good, but I didn’t get paid for any of it (the joys of being a temp) and ended up having to give up today to make up a decent amount of hours this week. Of course I have been watching the world cup at every given opportunity and was jumping and cheering with the rest of the football lovers when we beat the Argies yesterday. I can now only hope that England don’t let us down, like they usually do.

Work has not changed in the slightest. Well, apart from this crap new system that they’ve introduced, which is supposed to save us time, but merely causes more aggro than it’s worth. This week I am applying for a job with Northern Film & Media, but it’s only admin/secretarial. My plan is to infiltrate from the inside. Fingers crossed, as it’s at least £4,000 more than my crappy temps wages and I could certainly do with the money what with Silverstone and Leeds festival coming up as well as a proposed trip to London. Now I’m back and not planning on disappearing anywhere soon, I have begun job hunting again in earnest. It’s just a shame that I am now competing with a new bunch of graduates.

I’ve been completely absorbed in a book called ‘The River’ by Edward Hooper. It traces back the origins of AIDS and whilst it is very heavy going, medical and not ideal bedtime reading, it is fascinating and I can’t put it down. If it weren’t so heavy I’d take it to work to read on the bus.

I have to be honest and say I’m glad the jubilee is over and done with. I sit on the fence on the whole monarchy subject. I don’t like paying my taxes to support them, but what’s the other option? President Blair? *shudders* no thanks. But what bugs me is the portion of the flag waving, celebrating people that are hypocrites. The ones who, six months ago were calling for a republic, but suddenly, it’s all smiles, and all forgotten cos of a free concert. I didn’t watch the concert, although had I known that Ozzy would make an appearance, I most definitely would have. We started watching ‘The Osbournes’ on MTV when we got back and it cracks me up every week. Here is some guy, who by rights should be dead the amount of crap he’s shoved in his body and he’s wandering about his new home asking where he should put his gun, or trying to figure out how to get the cable off the weather channel. And all in a dead thick Brummie accent. His kids are, frankly, strange, but then with him as your dad, how would you expect to turn out?

Duncan has insisted on ordering the Lewis vs Tyson fight tonight. Yawn. I don’t get boxing. Two guys hitting each other with huge gloves on. Surely if you’re gonna fight you should do it properly and not wimpily protect your hands? Anyway, it’s £15 for something that will probably last no more than a few minutes. Hmmm… that’s worth it. And seeing as how it doesn’t start over here until midnight, and he’s been at work all day, well you just know he’s going to fall asleep before it starts, don’t you?

It’s good to be home.

Until there is a next time…


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June 8, 2002

It’s good to have you home too :)I don’t get the boxing either

June 8, 2002

I have to admit I’d love to see the boxing match! Are you going to Silverstone? I went two years ago and had a ball (even though I was completely ripped off, another story!) my ultimate goal is to go to the Monanco (sp?) grand prix. ‘I plan to infiltrate from the inside’, that cracked me up, I know you can do it.

June 9, 2002

Yeah the weather has been pretty miserable here of late. I agree somewhat on the monarchy thing. And if Dunc wants to watch two blokes slugging it out he could just go and stand outside ‘Da Boat’ down the quayside and save himself a few sheckles.

oooh, good luck with the job search (again!) 🙂 I hate fighting of any kind. Except for hockey fights, which for some reason don’t bother me in the slightest! But it’s hockey, so it doesn’t matter.