Spectators of suicide

‘Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb’ Smash Mouth – All star

The one problem I have when writing, and I don’t know if all writers experience this or not, is that I completely immerse myself in the world I am writing about. I spent a lot of time yesterday inside the head of my heroine, which would be fine, if I wasn’t writing the depressing scenes. I spent the rest of the day slightly fuzzy in the head and not too sure what was wrong. Duncan got worried when he discovered a book on depression & how to treat it by the computer. It took a while to convince him that I was fine, but my character wasn’t. I hope he believes me because I don’t want him worrying unnecessarily about me.

The stress of the last few weeks has taken it’s toll on my body and my ulcers are back. I never used to suffer from stress quite like this, but in January as I recovered from the flu & fretted about my mum’s cancer op, I developed the most vile ulcers all over my lips and tongue. It made eating virtually impossible and talking a tiny problem. Well, I discovered yesterday that they are coming back. My lips look horribly swollen and I can see one ulcer developing right on the front of my lip (last time they at least had the decency to be in my mouth & therefore hidable). This could get very messy.

I have my three options and response sorted out for tomorrow. The possibilities are 1 Redundancy now & garden leave granted until December; 2 A new job role which I can try for 4 weeks & then take redundancy or; 3 the same crappy job going forward. My responses go as follows: 1 Woo hoo!!! I’m outta here, where’s my money?; 2 Sod the trial period, can I take the redundancy now? or; 3 Well, that’s very nice, but here’s my notice.

Yep, I’ve decided that should some disaster occur & they decide they want me to stay on as a researcher, I will be out of there quicker than they can say ‘Congratulations’. It doesn’t seem like a rash decision, seeing as how I was planning on leaving anyway. Maybe I’ll just have to temp for a while to get some money coming in. If only Duncan had finished his course already and was earning a fortune, then it wouldn’t be so much of a problem.

Until there is a next time…


Log in to write a note

I can see the advantages of wanting to be out of there, so long as you get a fat redundancy payment. Just be careful you don’t jack in a job and then get problems if something else isn’t forthcoming. But it will give you plenty of time to work on your own stuff – and who knows, maybe there is a best-selling author in there! :0)

Good plan. That place is doing you no favours. (IMHO).

why don’t you come over to the dark side and start working for Northcliffe? TMG never did anyone any favours…least of all you by the sounds of it…

I think getting the hell out of there by ANY means is a good thing regardless of how it is acheieved *hugs*