Space oddity

‘but you’ve been so busy lately, that you haven’t found the time, to open up your eyes, and watch the world spinning, gently out of time’ Blur – Out of time

Busy, busy, busy. I feel like I haven’t stopped, and once again I have neglected this place for far too long. Sometimes I wonder if I should give this up. Stopping spending the money on something I barely use anymore. But I can’t. It’s like a security blanket. And I know that at some stage, down the road, when things seems less whirly and more relaxed that I will return and do my diary justice once more.

I only have two weeks at work left, and boy am I thankful. The last 5 weeks have served to prove to me that this is definitely the right thing. Who wants to work for a temp agency that has ‘forgotten’ to pay you three out of five weeks? Not me, and yet for the time being I still do. I barely scrape by on what I get for temping so when they forget to pay me it’s a huge problem. Luckily for us, Duncan has recently taken out a loan and so I’ve borrowed money off him to pay the bills. But that isn’t how it should be. The extra money was for a new cd player that we so desperately need (i currently have a temperamental cd player that doesn’t like a number of my cds including Jewel and the new Foo Fighters one. As soon as we get a new one, that one is going out the window.) But it’s not just the lack of crappy pay. It’s management’s decision to inflict new ideas on us that have rarely been thought out properly (it’s a whole call centre story that just sounds whiny and annoying, and as it’s Sunday night, I won’t bore you with the details now). On Friday 23rd no-one will have a bigger grin than me, I can assure you.

I called my new company last week. After accepting the job offer I had heard nothing and was beginning to get a little edgey. So I called to ‘confirm my start date and time’ but in reality it was to confirm that I still had a job. I do, so can’t wait until the 27th. Before that I have to get through my first 2 (out of three) Maths exams. I am so unprepared which is a marked contrast to my gcse and a-level days of notes, and revision cards and time-tabled revision sessions. Yes, I was that anal and dull. It paid off, which worries me all the more about my current lack of preparedness. I’ve barely finished the course in time, and have a week left in which to study. More stress at this time is not what I need. But at least I can confirm that the headaches of earlier this year were most definitely stress-related. I came to this conclusion on Saturday morning. I was fine, I’d slept late, relaxed, was looking forward to the weekend. We went to Asda, I checked my bank balance and within 5 minutes found my head pounding again, and feeling in dire need of a long lie down. Oh for the end of the month!

I’ve done so little in the last month. Work, study frantically, sleep, indluge in my 4 favourite tv shows, sleep and study some more. It hardly makes for exciting reading. One addition to that list has been to draw up a natal chart for an actual paying customer (as opposed to you lot who so kindly let me practice my new found skill on you last year and paid me in various different ways! always appreciated :)) This was actually someone I don’t know, who saw my ad and responded. It couldn’t have come at a busier time, and was weird as only days before I had been contemplating removing the ad altogether. Maybe this is the start of something. Fingers crossed.

As for you, I hope you are all well. I promise to come back and read everything you’ve written at some point, but right now I hear my stats notes calling again. Oh for a quiet life!

Until there is a next time…


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I’ve missed you! Glad things are going well (busy, but well nonetheless) 😉 *HUG*

May 12, 2003

Good luck for the exams… and most definitely, good luck for the 27th 🙂

May 12, 2003

Good luck with your exams, and with your new job… (am also relieved to hear that the head-aches were stress related… kept worrying about you in idle moments! 🙂