Some sad someone

‘But I know just what it feels like, to have a voice in the back of my head’ Linkin Park – Papercut

I don’t think I will ever understand the mentality behind hurting someone. If you can get past the current media propaganda, you will discover that, in the UK yesterday, the enquiry was opened into the death of Victoria Climbie. I can’t even begin to comprehend why her aunt took her from her family in Africa, brought her over here & then treated her so horrifically. Apparently when she died she had 128 bruises/marks on her body. She was only eight years old. I can’t understand that at all. What did she do to deserve to be treated that way (and on a side question what the hell did social services think they were playing at?) We had the opening of the enquiry on the news yesterday morning and it made me feel physically sick.

I’ve been in Newcastle for a year now and if I thought, in that first week, that my life in London seemed distant, it is nothing compared to how I view it now. The memories of working in the City and having to make that journey every day seem slightly hazy. Which is a very good thing. I no longer feel like an outsider in Newcastle, which I did very much so for the first few weeks at least. I don’t miss London, just the people I knew, and I no longer feel that returning for a few days makes me a failure in some way. I no longer care that I earn less money in the North, because I am infinitely happier. Anyway, given the current world feeling, London doesn’t seem that much of a great place to be right now.

I still to hear from an ex-colleague of mine. I emailed him just after Sept 11, as I remembered that the company I worked for had a New York office and dealt with a number of the firms that were based in the WTC. As far as I know he wasn’t in NY, but a couple of others may have been. I guess it will be one of those things I don’t discover for ages, as most of those I knew in London have since left the company. I hope that they were all ok, but my friend’s lack of reply niggles at my thoughts occasionally.

Until there is a next time…


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September 27, 2001

I just cannot concieve wanting to physically hurt, cut, bruise, torture or harm any human being. I will never understand this defect of human nature that can make someone ignore all morals, ideals, consciousness or fear to be able to do so. It sometimes makes me sick to think that I am of the same species of things that can purport such violence on other innocent, loving, trusting souls.

It’s madness, it really is

i hadn’t even heard about that until i read it here, but it sounds horrible 🙁