
I was going to write yesterday, I was full of despondency and despair, so it seemed appropriate. But then I came here, got distracted by something and before I knew it, it was time to leave work. Today, I return but I just don’t feel that same way. It’s still there, but it’s lessened somewhat. So, there you go, a lucky escape from my whinging about lack of pregnancy. I have a GP appointment tonight – mainly cos my cycle is bizarre this time round. After working so hard to get it to 35ish days, I’m now 55 days in and nothing. I’m not even certain I’ve ovulated yet, (possibly yesterday, yet to be confirmed) so that’s at least another 14 days to add on to it. Anyway, it’s been almost 12 months now and as I have pcos and have never demanded anything from the nhs to help manage my pcos (like metformin, which plenty of women use), I think it’s about time my tax pounds were used on me again. I anticipate a doctor who is unwilling to listen and unable to help, as usual with the GPs I tend to see. I won’t be seeing the woman who made me cry last summer, that’s for certain.

In other news… I have New Kids tickets! Feel free to mock me, Duncan is on a semi regular basis, but I don’t care. I have 3rd row tickets for the end of the month and I’m very excited. My mum bought me the greatest hits on cd (I have the tape one but it’s knackered from being played to death) and the new album for Christmas. I need Duncan to leave the house so I can listen to them. Mocking is fine but not during the music. Anyway, they’re for 6 days after my birthday and Mel is coming with me. Yay.

I also get to see Mel the weekend before, my birthday weekend. I have tutorial in York and am staying at hers that night. We’re making the most of being so close because she’s moving to Worcester later this year – probably March/April when she has her op. We’re rubbish at meeting up when we’re so close, so we’ll hardly ever see each other when she moves. Another person moving is my newest friend, Liz. We did antenatal classes together, so her daugher is a month older than Zoe. She’s my Wednesday morning friend – we take the girls to a playgroup together then have coffee and biscuits at hers whilst the girls watch Peppa Pig dvds. We’re ace mums! lol. It’s nice to have another mum friend who’s not all ‘alpha mum’ (you know, immaculate house, immaculate well behaved children). Our kids take it in turns to be obnoxious but then have moments of utter cuteness together. Anyway, her move is temporary, down to Cambridge for 4 months, in February. Not sure what we’ll do on Wednesdays now, whether to stick with the cheap & close but slightly chavvy play group or schlep over to Whitley Bay, walk 30 minutes from the metro station to go to expensive but fab music group with some of the nct committee. Decisions, decisions.

Other things I’m trying to get my head round – schools. I know, you’d think it’s too early. Zoe’s not even 2 and a half yet, but it’s not. She has her name down for the local nursery, attached to the local primary, and can go the term after she turns 3. But she turns 3 a few days after term begins, so she can’t go in September. They sometimes take kids in January, but it depends on space. If they had space she’d almost certainly be top of the list, as it goes on age. But they can’t tell me this until Christmas. This is no good to me. I’m planning on quitting work once she goes to nursery (assuming not knocked up or on mat leave) because that’d be easier than changing my hours and finding new childcare. But I need to give 3 months notice. I’m tempted to leave in September because then I’d get some time with her before she went to proper nursery. But then, she might not go until September 2010 and most of the people I know, their kids will go September 2009. And then there’s schools to consider. Honestly, if I wasn’t a well-researched mum, I wouldn’t know any of this. I wouldn’t know to put her name down for nursery last year. I haven’t seen my ‘assigned’ health visitor since I went back to work, almost 2 years ago now. They are no help at all.

There you go, randomness as usual.

Until there is a next time…


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January 9, 2009
January 9, 2009

The school situation sounds crazy, more so with her being an early September birthday. No advice I’m afraid (the system has changed so much since my own two started!) but I hope you get something sorted out ….

I still can’t believe that she’s two and a half – it seems like it was only yesterday that you had her!

Mrs L has been taking Metformin although it doesn’t seemed to have helped the randomness. Hopefully over time …

January 9, 2009

Truely lovely to be back in touch. Thanks so much for all of your notes. I’m sorry yesterday you were feeling so down. Hope you’re feeling better now. I’ll cross my fingers about you getting knocked up. Not that I think that will do anything meaningful 😉

January 10, 2009

I’ve got the opposite prob with Sam, he’s a late August b’day and with the speech delay as well…there’s no way he’ll be ready for school this Sept! I MUST fill out his placement though, and then I’ll defer the start date. *nods* I’m sorry you’re having a bad time of it, hope the GP wasn’t totally useless.

January 13, 2009

RYN: Nope, no nap today. *sigh* At least he’s playing quietly today and not asking me to be Lightening McQueen or something. 😉

ryn: i’ve already applied, now it’s a waiting game!

January 13, 2009

Jack Bauer, and ER – I’m all with you. Am watching episode after episode of the West wing at the moment too. 🙂 And yes, I mean to say, I’m still living near you 🙂

January 13, 2009

Oh and the Twilight books? I’d be happy to give them all to you. They were angst filled, badly written, and great for the imagination. No wonder teenagers love them 🙂

January 19, 2009

Of course you can join! I’ll add you in. How’s things?