Silent night

First off, I watched the BBC documentary on Bhopal and Union Carbide on Wednesday night. I cried. All those poor people thinking they were lucky some big American chemical firm was coming to their town, to provide jobs and a living for people and then being utterly screwed over by them when something went wrong. I saw on the news this morning that Dow, the company who now owns UC, are accepting responsibility and will apparently push for extradition charges for the big bosses involved. Part of me thinks great, part thinks it’ll never happen and the other is so annoyed that this is 20 years too late, damn it. Incidents like this go some way to explaining why not everyone is enamoured with the good old US.

Anyway, Christmas is very much coming. The tree went up on Wednesday night and we have advent calendars from my mum. I also bought an advent calendar for my team at work, I’m gonna be such a great team leader (fingers crossed). Other teams are jealous and hide it this morning (as we were on late shift) so it’s payback tonight. hehehe. I can’t wait for Christmas, it’s gonna be fab. Four days off work and with no plans whatsoever. Mary is coming over on Christmas day for dinner which will be nice and the rest of the time is ours.

The party season is well underway now. We went to a thanksgiving party last Saturday, hosted by the American girl in our office, which was, we realised, the first grown-up party we’d been to. By grown up I mean it’s not necessary to bring your own alcohol and you don’t know most of the people there. We got our second grown-up party invite to a christmas party for the week before as well. It feels weird, this is the sort of thing my parents do/did, not me. Aren’t I just a kid still, meant to be being excited about santa coming and getting presents? Next week is our work christmas party, at the restaurant at the top of the Baltic, Gateshead’s new art gallery type thing. That should be great as well, and Duncan has two work parties (one with his old team and one with his new team).

Before you know it though, christmas will be over and 2005 will be upon us. Which means the wedding. Which means I probably should get on with things instead of thinking it’s ages away.

Until there is a next time…


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December 3, 2004

Sounds like the silly season is in full swing for you 🙂 I have no idea what I am doing for new years…all I know is I am not hosting a party! *hugs*

December 3, 2004

I meant to thank you for your note. So thank you! I feel much better after talking to JM about it so hopefully the constant self pity will stay away!! I don’t think I’ve ever been to a grown-up party now that you say it. Besides ones at my mum’s which clearly don’t count!

i don’t have any christmas parties to go to. boourns 🙁

December 3, 2004

We’re just playing at being grown-ups, right? We *are* still kids 🙂

December 5, 2004

Congratulations on becoming a team leader. Hope it goes well for you. Just be honest with your team and keep them informed and you’ll be fine. If not, bribery works just as well. Never been to The Baltic before, actually never been eating in Gateshead, unless you count some gravy and chips. You must give a report on how good or bad it is.